Oak park and Superdawg have generally been west stops.  

Any new or different stop suggestions? 

Route changes? 

west map

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I'd suggest a small change between Rainbow Cone and the Major Taylor Trail.  The Google Maps bike route info contains a little error.  There is NO connection between 94th St. and the trail, just a tall fence with no gate.

Instead of taking 94th St. all the way down the hill, turn left when you reach Longwood Dr.  Turn right just after the tennis courts and go around the curve to the 91st St. Metra station.  There's an opening in the high curb just after the station (where 91st St. has a cul de sac).  Go SLOW starting at the station, because it's not a very wide opening, just wide enough for one rider at a time.  Turn left before the tracks to pick up the Major Taylor Trail northbound towards 87th & Damen (back on the mapped route).


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