Here's a place to post up potential routes and maps for the south side portion of the ride.  

potential south routes

I know rainbow beach, pullman and rainbow cone have all been previous stops.  

Suggestions for stops, specific routes and a good quick breakfast food? 

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Chuck's gonna call these folks about a tour:

NOW how much do you love this ride?

Nice, that would be a really cool addition.

What do people think about looking into ordering pizza to be delivered to the brewery for after the tour?  It would streamline the lunch stop a little bit.  

Anyone know of some good bakeries in Hyde park or along the lake front?  

This one is on 71st, right off the path, it could be a good place to grab a quick breakfast, especially if we call ahead and let them know.

Papi Chulo’s Bar & Grill, 13601 S Calhoun Ave

Yes it was. But it had ample outdoor seating along the little Calumet, and as with many of the establishments we "invade," we can probably call and give them a heads up. (think Rainbow Cone).

A word of caution regarding Doty near 103rd St. - last year there was a HUGE crater just south of the city auto pound.  We're talking car-swallowing huge, and it floods if there's any rain at all (local low spot) - like fording a small river - too much hassle even to wade across if it's still that bad.  I'm not exaggerating about the wading. 

I haven't been that way yet this year, so I don't know if anything has been done to fix it.  It's been deteriorating for years.  If I get a chance to check it out in advance, I will, and will post an update.  If I don't and it's still really bad, I'd suggest the following detour:

Go back to the stoplight at 103rd and Stony Island (approx. 1/4 mile).  Turn left (west) on 103rd.  Be careful of merging traffic from the expressway ramps.  Continue west to Cottage Grove.  I'd actually recommend 111th as a better westbound route from Cottage Grove than 115th, but that's your call.


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