
"Far" North Side Riders

This group is for anyone who lives North of Irving Park in Chicago. Updated name change due to border conflicts.

Location: Far North Side of Chicago
Members: 231
Latest Activity: Jul 1, 2017

Discussion Forum

Increased heavy fine for riding on sidewalk on Sheridan Road 4 Replies

Started by Bob Kastigar. Last reply by Bob Kastigar Sep 10, 2013.

46th Ward Transportation Forum March 22 1 Reply

Started by Margo O'Hara. Last reply by Margo O'Hara Mar 22, 2011.

Advocacy in your 'hood!

Started by Margo O'Hara Feb 3, 2011.

Comment Wall


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Comment by buddaa38 on March 15, 2010 at 3:00am
Comment by rik 16 hours ago
Now that winter is over maybe NSCM can go on REAL rides for change and make better group decisions.
At the NSCM rides I have been at, here is what typically happens:
We wait around for 30-60 mins watching Lincoln grow his beard.
The same clique shows up late and has the same lame "Brilliant" plan: "lets ride for 10-20 mins and go to a bar". Everyone goes along including me. We get to the first bar and some go in and some of us wait outside for another 25mins. Then the ride dissipates and splinters apart off into 9min ride bar hopping.
I bailed out at the 2nd bar.
This plan makes some sense when it is 10F and below. What was the reason for it on our March ride; it was a nice night with 45F?
We spent more time waiting around than actually riding!
We even had a rider ready with a music system.
Hello. I thought it was a RIDE.

First Off This Discussion Belongs On The NORTH ~ SIDE CRITICAL MASS GROUP!
Comment by Aaron Bussey on March 15, 2010 at 2:08am

"We will see who follows. I won't be following you.
Ethics. They are not for everyone."

Were you offended by what I said? And what is your ethics comment referring to? I don't understand your point. Are you trying to say I am morally bankrupt or void of ethics?

All I was trying to say is that you would have a much easier time changing the course of the ride by using your pedals instead of your keyboard. I really wasn't trying to vilify you or anyone else. I'm kind of laid back like that - hence why I like taking the rides to bars.... :)
Comment by rik on March 14, 2010 at 8:01pm
Liz I apologize for posting in the wrong group.
My mistake.
Any one following up on this thread move over to the nscm's own group.
Comment by Liz W. Durham on March 14, 2010 at 6:50pm
okay, I am confused. Why is this argument going on here instead of on the NSCM group page? Or is this group intended as a support/tag-a-long to the NSCM group? I only ask because I don't usually see many comments on this group and now there are lots about the NSCM ride.

Not trying to offend anyone...
Comment by Julie Aberman (Hochstadter) on March 14, 2010 at 4:04pm
The rides I've been on the past (haven't done one since fall) have been very well planned with great routes.
This conversation is a common one of critical mass rides. Sometimes there is a good route and everyone follows it, sometimes it gets hijaked and sometimes there is no route. What I have loved is the well planned out routes of North Side Mass (off the top of my head i can think of Tonys, Andrews and Hannahs). Maybe since the North Side Mass has been a nice alternative local ride for many of us (starting later and not downtown) we should get back to these well thought out routes and not going to a bar at the beginning of a ride (as Nik was saying now that it is warmer). The November ride I was on for about 30 minutes had at least 2 alcohol runs at the beginning which I found sort of unnecessary. Drinks can be bought before if people feel the need. And some people don't drink so making that a focus of the ride I think can turn people away and makes its less family friendly. But that is up to whoever plans the route.

What is nice is we have this forum and place here to suggest routes. What about Val's offer to ride up to Evanston?
Comment by rik on March 14, 2010 at 3:39pm
with some help maybe we can turn forward.

Comment by cutifly
I am still hungover. which way are we turning ?
Comment by Tank-Ridin' Ryan on March 14, 2010 at 3:12pm
It was pretty annoying that some of us ended up standing outside Lincoln Square Lanes for at least a half hour.

Aaron, while it was known that we were ending at Bennett's, no mention was made of stopping at at least 2 places (I left for Bennett's shortly after the stop at Christina's) because some people decided they needed a beer.

Though, in your defense, I'm not sure why the group outside (myself included) didn't decide 'F this' and leave since we knew what the end spot was.
Comment by cutifly on March 14, 2010 at 3:02pm
I am still hungover. which way are we turning ?
Comment by rik on March 14, 2010 at 12:00pm
I'll take my road, take your road.
It is definitely not the same road.
We will see who follows. I won't be following you.
Ethics. They are not for everyone.

Comment by Aaron Bussey
My point is simply that it is much easier to hi-jack the ride with your bike as opposed to vocalizing your disappointment with it...
Comment by Aaron Bussey on March 14, 2010 at 11:28am
rik i like your suggestions and wasnt trying to quash your free speech...before Nazi's become part of this discussion I want to make that known. :P

My point is simply that it is much easier to hi-jack the ride with your bike as opposed to vocalizing your disappointment with it...

never been to Saudi Arabia - I hate heat and sand.... :)

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