Like the title says, we're not security for the Naked Ride. ;-) The organizers Steven Lane, Andrew Bedno, and Barbra Mann are in charge of the ride now and will make all decisions pertaining to the ride.
Location: Chicago
Members: 69
Latest Activity: Jun 6, 2014
At the rear, will be Brett and John, and an off duty cop friend of mine might volunteer - every year one says he will and every year they back out. So we shall see. :-)
Doom's got the right idea :-) who remembers asian raggedy ann and andy? had to dress to fix a mechanical. fixed it, caught back up, and restripped. :-)
It will be fine. Gropers have far more to fear from the mass than the mass has to fear from gropers. As long as the naked drunks don't get too many mechanicals everything will be swell.
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