On Sunday, September 1st, my group Walk 'n' Roll is planning an exciting event we're calling Shared Streets. We will use two open blocks of Evanston's Dempster Street to make a statement. The event has three themes: the street as a place, the “complete” street, and the need for greater harmony in our streets. As part of Evanston's sesquicentennial celebration, it's going to be a powerfully symbolic event. Walk 'n' Roll is the project group pursuing the goal of a more walkable and bikable city, as one of Evanston150's big ten visions for the future. 

Therefore, I would love it if someone from LOOK Chicago could have a presence at the event in order to educate drivers and cyclists about how to avoid dooring. We are emphasizing vivid, creative demonstrations, rather than people sitting at tables with printed material, wherever possible. I hope for someone actually drawing sharrows in the street with chalk, acting out a dooring, etc. We can certainly procure some willing co-conspirators from WnR to help, but are looking for your leadership here.

Much obliged,

Natalie Watson

Views: 135

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Hi Natalie,

This is fanastic! I'm sure we can get some people up at the event. What information do you need from us in order to secure a spot?


Count me in to help out.

Great! I just need confirmation that you will come and some guidance on what props you might need. Plenty of time to plan something cool.

I can check to be sure my old Huffy can be ridden to use as a 'prop' and would be willing to hit American Science and Surplus to see about picking up some streetchalk and the like for bike corral and traffic lines

Hi all, we're gearing up for this event. We are printing out sharrow stencils and will paint them and a crosswalk in the street (with temporary paint). We are also building a bump-out with 2x4's and flowers. It should be a well-attended event. Still hoping a couple of you will attend. Do you have the LOOK! stickers to pass out? Don't worry about chalk, I have lots of that. We do need a bike corral.

Please check out the route map at http://sharedstreetsevanston.com/route-map/ I have you guys near the Bike Club and Active Trans people.


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