Taxi Initiative:

We are going to wait for outreach or initiative's until further clarity on city plans. Once known, we'll aim to mobilize quickly.

Action Items:

  • By ?: Brandon to investigate Chicago Cab Courses materials to see what information is in it about dooring. 
  • By ?: Julie to reach out to @ChicagoCabbie to begin building a relationship and see if they will post information/education on dooring.

Alderman Outreach:

Our short term goal is to build relationships and ask them to promote dooring education/awareness in their e-newsletters and have flyers in their office. During the conversation, ask where they run into issues so that we can try to help, too.

Action Items:

  • By January 30: Enter your name and alderman info in the spreadsheet: Once done, groups who live in the same ward can coordinate to set-up a meeting time with the alderman.
  • By January 30: Katie to update with flyers and information to bring to the alderman meetings. 

Chicago Mayor Bike Advisory Group

Aim to get this on the discussion for consideration. Brandon usually attends these meetings.

Action Items:

  • By?: Elizabeth to reach out to Michelle to see if we can get on the agenda.

Cyclist/Driver Education:

We will finalize our flyer and coordinate printing. Then, we'll schedule flyering days!

Action items:

  • By this weekend: All to review PDF flyer and recommend changes to Aaron Bussey
  • By ?: Hannah to translate flyer into Spanish
  • By January 30: Aaron to begin scheduling flyering days
  • This weekend: Elizabeth to bring flyers to Winter Bike Swap and include at Ride of Silence table
  • By January 30: Katie to have website refined for everyone to review


  • Elizabeth to attend National Bike Summit in early March and look to make connections from other cities

Long term:

  • Get informational brochures in hotel, especially for bike share programs
  • Reach out to community health centers to provide education
  • Work for side rearview mirros in cabs
  • Get signage on cab stands
  • IGO/Zipcar signage or flyering
  • Bike shop education

In attendance: Aaron, Pam, Katie, Tom Jeff, Duzanne, Elizabeth, Brandon, Julie, Hannah

Views: 80

Replies to This Discussion

In my mailbox Monday was a post from State Rep Ann Williams and since the state level had not been discussed I dropped a line to the Rep and mentioned our cause and that I was going to try and attend her 'coffee' on the 26th at Safari Cup (3404 N Southport @ 10AM to 11:30AM) . There will be 2 Reps and a Senator there so if anybody else can attend it might help to get the word to all 3 in the short window of the event.

My note to Rep Williams included an introduction to our group and a short background text so they won't feel blindsided at an open meeting but focussed on current big headline news....pensions and the like.


Post here if you can make it.

Jeff, you rock! Unfortunately I can't make it. I'd love to hear how it goes. 

I've reached out to Rashid of @Chicagocabbie.  Still outstanding is trying to get permission to use artwork from the NYC campaign. I will probably ask Randy N. if he has any suggestions, but as of today I reached out once about a month ago with no response so I will follow up.  Sorry about the delay.

Way back when, I volunteered to contact Jesse White at the Secretary of State.  I haven't yet, as I wanted a finished brochure to send him.  What I think they can do for us: allow us to place our flyers at driver's license facilities in the Chicago area (though we'd probably have to pedal them over ourselves with the permission letter from White in hand).  Also, include dooring information in the Rules of the Road book for Illinois as well as the Bicycling Rules book.  Any other ideas for what that office can do for our cause before I make initial contact?

Thunder Snow <1.9 miles> said:

Way back when, I volunteered to contact Jesse White at the Secretary of State.  I haven't yet, as I wanted a finished brochure to send him. 

Jeff replies

I got over to Ald. Laurino's office and talked to Johnathan (Pam's contact). He asked for a text message they could use on what he refers to as a web-burst or blast I fergit.

Do we have an 'approved text for proxy posting?

I plan on hitting John Arena's office this week so a message I could dump in that offices lap would be nice. If its prudent I can see what I can come up with but will not use/release mine unless it gets a vote of confidence from "The Group"


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