Hey all,
Per our last meeting, please review our flyer rough draft and add any addition ideas you have for how the final copy should look.
FLYER LOOKS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On the cut out card, we may want to add don't fix your bike yet, or get receipts of all damages. Take pictures, etc.
I did some tinkering with a monochrome text swiped from the LOOK web site to get this:
pdf or word
The B&W is not as eyecatching but easier to home brew copies and might reduce fading in the weather.
Overall, the flyer looks great! Nice work!
Some little nitpicky things:
1) "amount of crashes" sounds strange. Consider "An unnecessary number of crashes" or "Too many preventable crashes" Also "cardoor"--I think it's always two words, "car door"
2) "make Chicago roadways a safer place" Consider " make Chicago roadways safer for all." Also, the period is missing at the end of the sentence.
3) "disembark" is awkward and unusual. Consider "exit from."
4) "Instead break gently" Spelling should be "brake"
5) "If you can safely, take the lane." Consider "Take the lane if you can, safely." Active voice.
6) Under "Why should cyclists care?" is a discussion of possibly being at fault. I don't think cyclists are ever legally at fault in a dooring (Brendan, isn't this true?). This paragraph perhaps should be split into "Why should cyclists care?" with cyclist concerns, then "Why should motorists care?" with issues of liability and fines and insurance hikes.
I think Thunder Snow's comments are great!
I also think the flyer is great!
Well done, and a great idea.
Truly fantastic. Kudos all on your thoughtful work. Content suggestions:
An unnecessary amount of crashes and deaths...
Dooring - the act of opening a cardoor into an oncoming cyclist - causes more than x# of deaths and injuries in Chicago every year. Dooring can be prevented. Follow these steps to avoid being doored and make Chicago roadways a safer place to ride.
What to do after a crash?
1. Call 911 and note all details.
2. Wait for police and file a report.
3. Seek medical attention.
4. Call Crash Help Hotline
Why should cyclists care?
Dooring kills and injures cyclists.
Dooring is expensive. You can incur costs for your bike, medical attention, legal counsel and a loss of wages.
Aaron et al, I thought you might be interested in this:
Nice find, Melissa! Similar (but not as comprehensive) accident cards are being designed for various parts of the country (and the UK) by a Boston bike lawyer, Josh Zisson. NotoriousDug gave me one of the cards at his Rapid Transit seminar, and I later found a quick story about it on "Fast Company."
Something like this may be a useful handout from Look Chicago! at the Bike Swap, or other places. What's interesting to me about Zisson's cards is the listing of specific Chicago Municipal code numbers that accompany the little pictograms of dooring, 3' minimum passing space, bike lights and so on.
I see the "Ride of Silence" logo on the Chicago version, so maybe Elizabeth helped sponsor this?
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