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Anyone out there happen to have a Peugeot headbadge, preferably early 70's era?
I'm looking for an early 70's peugeot. Anyone know where I should begin my search? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have bought three Peugots on Craig's List over the years. I have never had to pay over $100 for good quality frames, some of which had at least the bulk of the parts in a useable fashion.

Anyone have any crank bolts for a three arm Nervar crank? HELP!?
Lee--Here's a link to the 1974 catalogue. I realize you can't order parts from it, but it should help you identify what exactly you need to find.

Lee Diamond said:
I have bought three Peugots on Craig's List over the years. I have never had to pay over $100 for good quality frames, some of which had at least the bulk of the parts in a useable fashion.

Anyone have any crank bolts for a three arm Nervar crank? HELP!?
If this is anything like the Nervar crank on the old Raleighs, you can get by with a 7x1.25 mm in a pinch.

Lee Diamond said:
I have bought three Peugots on Craig's List over the years. I have never had to pay over $100 for good quality frames, some of which had at least the bulk of the parts in a useable fashion.

Anyone have any crank bolts for a three arm Nervar crank? HELP!?
So the problem with the Nervar crank is not really limited to the crank bolts, which by the way are a 7.5 mm (!!!!!), rather it is the chainring itself which is a bit ovalized creating a crazy rotational problem. Grrr.
Ovalized as in damaged or ovalized as in elliptical? It could be an early ovoid ring. 7.5? Is there even a box wrench that size? You don't want to have to use an adjustable on a chainring bolt. Mon Dieu!

Lee Diamond said:
So the problem with the Nervar crank is not really limited to the crank bolts, which by the way are a 7.5 mm (!!!!!), rather it is the chainring itself which is a bit ovalized creating a crazy rotational problem. Grrr.
7.5mm sounds so wrong that it makes me think this crank was originally on an old british bike. 7.5mm is .30" and 5/16" is .3125". British Whitworth 26tpi would look almost identical. Are the pedal threads 9/16-20 or 14x1.25?

I'll look in the parts bin to see what I really have for Nervar/TA/Stronglight 3 arm cranks.
I've got a few french stems, one mated with a taped Juenet handlebar. you want?
I might want, provided they are not the AVA death-stems. What are you looking for in trade?
Of course they are death stems! hehehe. I don't want a trade; only to have then out of my parts bin. The parts are free.

I'm not sure if they are "AVA" or not, but they are the hollow lugged type, and i am wary of that.

The stem I replaced it with is still flexy as hell, but it has a receased top nut and takes 25.4 bars, which is all i really want.
I'll take them and hang on to them in case anyone in the group needs them down the line. There's room in my parts bin.


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