This was previously mixed in with general comments, but I thought it needed to be its own topic.

Please feel free to post your own reports if you have taken a ride on the trail.  If conditions are great, please tell us.  If you see broken glass, downed tree branches or other issues, please share that info, too.  

Please include specific locations with any problem reports (such as "broken glass just north of 115th St.," so we can use that info for service requests to the park district or forest preserve district.

We hope that you enjoy your rides on the trail and that sharing info here will help.

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Last night I got the following report from Peter Taylor:

From 105th to Whistler Woods, he gave overall conditions a B grade.  There was glass covering the trail just north of 122nd between 122nd and Emerald.  He suggested using Emerald and 122nd to bypass that section. 

He found scattered glass near 116th but said it was possible to navigate through it.  Elsewhere the trail was very clean.

He encountered a GreenCorps crew thinning dense tree growth between 111th and 115th, where we've had persistent problems with trees intruding on trail space.

Between 127th and the bridge, brush has been cut back on the west side of the trail, so the overgrowth that has interfered with the trail there is no longer an issue.  

I noted a rash of broken glass right after Thanksgiving, between 127th and 115th streets. And noticed much of it cleaned off since December 5.

Noted also a crew on Nov 30 eliminating dead wood and tree litter, also south of 115th st.

Today: brown glass south of 120th St, clear glass north of 119th. Clean otherwise from Whistler Woods to 105th St. Also noted more tree thinning/chipping between 111th and 115th St.

Tpday: Clear glass just north of the 107th St crossing. Also salt on some segments, a little confusing, but glad to have it. One other issue: it was bloody cold out there!

Merry Christmas to all MT Trailers. 

Brian - Thank you for the updates!

Merry Christmas to all.

81st to 95th: Snow, with footprints.

105th to 111th: Snow, with two other bike tracks

111th to 119th: Plowed, salted

119th to Whistler: Snow, with automonile tracks. Why would an authorized vehicle be deployed to roll over the trail without carrying a plow? Police car?

The number of footprints impressed me; I reflected that the trail serves many.  

Rode the trail on March 4. From 85th to 95th Street, heavy snow made for difficult going, but I cut tracks there anyway. 105th to 127th was cleared/melted of snow, saw 2 other bikes. 127th to Whistler Woods was heavily snowed, more tough sledding. Of course, it all starts over with a snowstorm today.

March 23. All clear, a rash of bottle glass just south of 119th.

Thanks for your reports. Much appreciated.

Brian Bender said:

March 23. All clear, a rash of bottle glass just south of 119th.

I got a report earlier in the week of glass between 119th and 121st.  After contacting the park district, I was told that regular sweeping will start for the season after 4/1.  Yeah!

Yesterday rode the trail from 107th to 127th. I found NO broken glass from 107th to 115th. From 115th to 125th, there were small scattered patches of glass in random locations. All of those patches were avoidable (not covering the full width of the path).

I visited our new oak trees near 127th. They're sporting lovely little leaves. Last week's rain (1.2" in my yard a few miles away) certainly didn't hurt.

Rode the entire trail on this fine day. Clear, A grade. Saw a couple mowers buzzing around. The new oaks look good; thank you Openlands.


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