Hey folks,

So im building up my new bike from scratch instead of just swapping parts from an already pre-assembled bike.

There's a few tools that i don't have that some of you might have but more than anything im interested in learning how to correctly install a BB and headset. Anyone out there got the tools, know how & a little bit of time to run me through the paces ? It would be greatly appreciated & ill pay you in some beers & high5's if ya want haha.

Chicago- Logan Square

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Have you heard about Ciclo Urbano (formerly West Town Bikes)?
You should check out this place, if you haven't already: Ciclo Urbano
Thanks i def will!
The BB is no big deal. You'll be surprised at how simple it is. You just thread it in then tighten with the correct tool.

The headset is a bit trickier. Bike shops use a very expensive headset press to install the cups. However, you can make one for about $12. Here's a link. http://www.mindspring.com/~d.g1/headset.html I used this myself and it worked perfectly.
Brendan thanks.

I'll chrk out the link as soon as I get home I seen you can do it wish some large washers and a nut + bolt. Thanks for the info I really appreciate the help.
Thanks all for the help & suggestions! its actually been built for a little over a month now. Been to busy riding to post.

check it out if you care!
Great looking bike! I am curious, did you build your own head set press or did you go to WTB?

Andrew T said:
Thanks all for the help & suggestions! its actually been built for a little over a month now. Been to busy riding to post.

check it out if you care!


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