Did anyone see the segment? The whole "people do it cause its cool" thing is really getting old

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Here's a link to the video: http://www.wttw.com/main.taf?p=42,8,1&pl=New%20Video

I like the explanation that if track bikes had brakes it would be dangerous given the high track speeds, but if you'll notice right after that he asks a track rider why not having brakes is cool. Huh? Didn't we just go over that it's a safety thing?
Well, I think it's dangerous on a track because you're drafting so close, and you don't want the guy in front to have any dramatic changes in velocity.
I liked the fact that it's an "unstoppable" trend. It's punny how normal it is for the news media to play with words.
It's also funny how the news media make themselves seem so un-hip. Right after this story, I would expect a segment entitled "Texting: The Latest Trend All The Kids Are Doing"

evanK said:
Well, I think it's dangerous on a track because you're drafting so close, and you don't want the guy in front to have any dramatic changes in velocity.
I liked the fact that it's an "unstoppable" trend. It's punny how normal it is for the news media to play with words.
I am developing a public access show/podcast about the cycling culture and the arts. (sweet bike! sweetbikepodcas.com) currently, i am producing a show dedicated to fixed gear bikes and would like to address the Chicago Tonight segment, so anyone willing to speak on this or any other fixed gear related topics please contact me (sweetbikepodcast@gmail.com or 312.283.0748.

Thank you,

Leah said:
Here's a link to the video: http://www.wttw.com/main.taf?p=42,8,1&pl=New%20Video

I like the explanation that if track bikes had brakes it would be dangerous given the high track speeds, but if you'll notice right after that he asks a track rider why not having brakes is cool. Huh? Didn't we just go over that it's a safety thing?
Before I started riding fixed, I had a really hard time mentally visualizing slowing and stopping until I actually finished my conversion and started riding it. Within a few blocks of my first ride, I was hooked - loving the feeling of connection and control - something the reporter at the velodrome started to say before the audio faded to the next segment. Now when I get on my racing frame, I feel like my feet slip at the bottom of each pedal stroke unless I'm focused on making a fluid motion with my legs, and the feeling of disconnect between my pedaling and slowing down is disconcerting.

Media is what it is. If you actually listen to what's being said, not the "oh sh*t, no brakes, they're crazy" tone they use to get you hooked on the story, I think they made a good point to counter anti-fixed(or any other form of bike) point of view: anyone can ride any bike irresponsibly.


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