Our good friend and longtime bicycling activist Jody Orlovic is preparing to move out of our fair city.
We are organizing a ride to bid her a fond farewell and all are invited. We are planning to have music and at least one grill at the end of the ride. Time: August 2, 2009 from 7pm to 11pm
Location: Jodie's place
Street: 1228 N. Noble
City/Town: Chicago
Phone: 773-885-0900
Event Type: social
Organized By: Martin Hazard

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We sure will miss her! ! ! I just may want to leave also. Jody it won't be the same without you! !! :-)
Hey Jody,
too bad you're leaving so soon. I just met you and I think you rock. I'll try to make it...even if I can't stick around for a long time.


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