My girlfriend and I recently bought a used Schwinn trail a bike to be able to take her daughter (55-60lbs.) with us on rides to museums and schtuff, but I'm not comfortable with the movement it has when riding. What am I doing wrong? How much play is ok? I need to know!!! Thank you all and hope to hear from you.

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Well... a lot of them can be pretty wobbly. One of the key things is the fit on the seat post, which has to do with the shims that came with it. If it was used you may have only gotten the one that fit the other person's bike, which might not fit the new one. You may be able to get some at your LBS, or create some w/PVC, etc.

If the attachment only has a vertical pivot, the seatpost attachment will have to allow some side to side motion, so then it can't be too tight either. (we have two w/different hitches that work differently).
Don't know if you'll see this, but if you don't have luck at the LBS, shoot me a note. At the moment I have a plethora, so as long as I keep the ones I need, I may be able to help.
marqone at excite dot com

Spike said:
I bought if from a guy on craigslist, no shims. I didn't even know it needed them. I'm gonna go to a my lbs. Thanks for the reply!
Homebuilt said:
Well... a lot of them can be pretty wobbly. One of the key things is the fit on the seat post, which has to do with the shims that came with it. If it was used you may have only gotten the one that fit the other person's bike, which might not fit the new one. You may be able to get some at your LBS, or create some w/PVC, etc.

If the attachment only has a vertical pivot, the seatpost attachment will have to allow some side to side motion, so then it can't be too tight either. (we have two w/different hitches that work differently).


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