I love the impromptu critical masses that spawn at rush hours on heavily-used corridors such as Milwaukee.  These moments remind me of the story of the mama-rabbit and the papa-rabbit who stayed down in their underground home until they out-numbered the wolves and coyotes which were looming outside their hole.  When I see a dozen or more cyclists waiting in a virtual bike box at a traffic light on Milwaukee, it makes me feel like a proud, happy rabbit.

What do you love about biking in Chicago?

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I far prefer barking in the city than the suburbs and I do it every day, and as often as I can. I am fortunate enough to have a job that allows me and requires me to cruise the streets, taking it all in, taking notes, photos, etc. That is what I love the best....digging the history before our eyes. There is so much to see beyond the notable examples everyone knows about, and the pedestrian, non-pedigreed places and buildings are often my favorite.


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