I haven't seen any chatter about the June ride.  Has anyone been contemplating a route?

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Dude. I love it. If you want I can make a one page flier for this. I don't want to step on any toes. This is fine. Just offering. Don't reply here if you want that, just email me directly at me@spencerthayer.com
I thought this route was supposed to end at the Hide Out . . . I have heard that there will be a bike and music festival upon arrival of the Mass.

That would be an awesome ending. Propose a new map! : )
According to Hideout's website, they do have something:

Bikes Bands Beer
Rabid Rabbit
Sadhu Sadhu
The Swan King
DJ Greg Sharilla
spins "bike-related" tunes between bands
join the Critical Mass ride...
your 6/25 CCM flyer gets you a discount
or just Ride out to The Hideout
"Bikes" is not limited to bicycles...
motorcycles, trikes, skateboards welcome!
Beer specials, patio open...
good times... great music
Critical Mass riders encouraged
Bikes of all varieties welcomed
Rabid Rabbit

I'm not sure if I'll go to the ride tomorrow and am definitely not up for making a map this month...hopefully someone is making something for the Hideout Folks!

Marty A. said:
I thought this route was supposed to end at the Hide Out . . . I have heard that there will be a bike and music festival upon arrival of the Mass.


Is this map accurate, http://bit.ly/aySAyE? - Looks like it's 14.3 miles.

Here are the turn by turns for Andrew...
  1. South on Clark
  2. L (E)- Jackson
  3. R (S)- Michigan (Columbia College)
  4. R (W)- Harrison
  5. L (S)- State (Jones College Prep)
  6. R (W)- Roosevelt
  7. L (S)- Canal
  8. L (E)- 24th St
  9. L (N)- Wentworth
  10. R (E)- Cermak (Nat. Teacher's Academy)
  11. R (S)- State
  12. R (W)- 26th St
  13. R (N)- Halsted
  14. L (W)- Cermak
  15. R (N)- Loomis
  16. L (W)- 21st St (Benito Juarez Academy)
  17. R (N)- Ashland
  18. R (E)- 18th St
  19. R (S)-Throop
  20. L (E)- 19th S
  21. L (N)- Racine
  22. R (E)- Taylor
  23. L (N)- Canal
  24. R (E)- Monroe
  25. R (S)- Clark
  26. L - Jackson
  27. R - Columbus
  28. L - McFetridge
  29. END @ 12th Street Beach!!!
Can we all go swimming too?
Okay, here are the maps. I'm sorry this took so long but work and what not kept me pretty busy today. If it's too late for y'all to use these that's cool. Unless someone else is planning on running of a bunch of two sided maps, I will make some copies for page one only. I can't make double sided copies at work.
I may be wrong - but it seems like most of the rides go to the south side... hm?
I've posted this on http://massup.us

BUT: Board of Ed is 125 S. Clark, not Jackson.
Furthermore, Jackson is E/W, so 125 S. Jackson, as appears on the maps, doesn't exist.

On the massup version I corrected this in the turn-by-turn, but not on the graphic.
Hideout details:
The Hideout, 1354 W. Wabansia, 6pm-2am, http://www.hideoutchicago.com
"You're invited to a special early event at The Hideout for a post- Critical Mass after-ride party with DJ Greg Shirilla segueing us into a night of HEAVYINESS featuring RABID RABBIT, SADHU SADHU and THE SWAN KING.
The after-ride party starts at 6pm and is free, but the show (doors at 9pm) is $8. Both are 21+. PLUS if you do the Critical Mass ride and bring a route flyer to The Hideout you get a few bucks off the cover charge of the rock and roll show."
Everything looks great. Just don't get too dissapointed if we get diverted away from the lake at the end. The taste is going on. I can't wait for the ride. Happy Friday
Okay I've printed 400 copies of just the map page totaling 1200 individual fliers. I am going to go cut them out at Kinkos right now. I'll just give the ride organizer the bag full of them and help pass them out as well. See y'all there!


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