Planning thread for July 30th 2010 Chicago Critical Mass.

In the recent "Critical Mass Strategy" discussion, Barbra mentioned hints of her desire to do a map for July's CCM, with an underwear theme.  She's certainly capable, having participated in WNBR-C and CCM for several years, and the theme is certainly appropriate for hot weather.

So with just a few weeks to go, I'm proactively seeding this thread for discussion and planning.

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I've posted Barbra's route flyer on the CCM site on her behalf in the flyer exchange

I've also posted full details from her (including downloads of the high-res printable flyer too big to post on CCM) at
Any suggestions for what I should put on my helmet for the ride?

I am super-excited, everybody! Thanks for everyone who helped and is helping!
Can you be at the corner of Randolph and Clark as soon as there are riders in the street?

BK said:
The Big Dummy and I are in for helping at the front too.
I had a few requests for my cell and since I can't remember who I did or did not send it too, here it is.
847-217-3740 I should be there by 5:00 and will help where needed.
Do you need any flyers printed up, or is that all covered? I can run some off at work today if needed.
I have it Paul.
There will really be nobody there (I mean absolutely nobody) until 5:30, no need to come quite so early.

Paul Gurns said:
I had a few requests for my cell and since I can't remember who I did or did not send it too, here it is.
847-217-3740 I should be there by 5:00 and will help where needed.
Got it. thanks for info.

H3N3 said:
I have it Paul.
There will really be nobody there (I mean absolutely nobody) until 5:30, no need to come quite so early.

Paul Gurns said:
I had a few requests for my cell and since I can't remember who I did or did not send it too, here it is.
847-217-3740 I should be there by 5:00 and will help where needed.
Barbra and I will both be there early. I get off at 4:30 and am planning on heading right over. I'll be doing balloons and she'll have if anyone wants to be there early, they won't be quite alone :)
Sorry, guess I don't do hyperbole well :-)
First, and foremost, you guys did a great job with this ride. We got a brilliant start, and a brilliant finish. The hard corking at LSD and the lure of the beach party worked perfectly. It was excellent.

Second, I am extremely disappointed with the reception we got from the police at the beach. They ambushed us. They sent in bunch of surly patrol officers, and a tactical squad, to harass and threaten us. That was total bullshit. Some people were handcuffed for no apparent reason, and others were taken away by the tac team, again, for no apparent reason. Those jerks wouldn't even talk to me. We cannot trust the 23d District. We went out of our way to keep people off LSD, and even gave Commander Boehmer a heads-up on exactly what we were doing. Our reward for that was to get ambushed and have our people manhandled by a tac team. If that's the reward we get for trying to work with Boehmer, we will never work with her again. She's on her own. We cannot trust the 23d District or Commander Boehmer. We covered her ass for her, and she stabbed us in the back.


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