Planning thread for July 30th 2010 Chicago Critical Mass.

In the recent "Critical Mass Strategy" discussion, Barbra mentioned hints of her desire to do a map for July's CCM, with an underwear theme.  She's certainly capable, having participated in WNBR-C and CCM for several years, and the theme is certainly appropriate for hot weather.

So with just a few weeks to go, I'm proactively seeding this thread for discussion and planning.

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I can't lead, but I can support the leaders. And maybe I'll even wear my SFH (stupid fucking hat), which advertises me as lawyer. I suspect people will be a little wary of getting ahead of the lawyer. And I can advise people that there is safety in numbers, and outriders are most likely to get busted, so it's best to stay with the mass, because that is true, and good advice.

jamimaria said:
Though more ride leadership is always welcome!
Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! said:
There were verbal agreements made to ride in the front during the pre-ride. There is a enough ride leadership.
Of course I'll be in the front. :-) Even if my map doesn't win, I can help. I posted my flyer on as a proposed map, y'all.
You're map will "win" as it's unlikely there will be another map. Good luck!
i will do what i can to keep the route on track but somehow i always end up in the back. and on the subject of the sargent getting hit with a beer in the face. if it happened on lake shore drive while the cops were pepperspraying them 2 kids, he deserved it and i know who did it. haha.
Tell your friend he's a selfish coward. And if he has any guts, he'll come with me to the lock-up to see the people who end up in jail as a result of his stunt, and I'll tell each and every one of them:

"Here's the guy who pissed off the cops at the last ride and got you busted this time. You're paying for his stunt, but he thinks he's really cool."

If he has the guts to look at those people in the eye (usually filled with tears) and tell them he thought his attack on the cop was worth their loss of freedom, I'll have some respect for him. Otherwise, he remains a selfish coward in my eyes.

It never pays to get physical with cops. Never. They'll either make you pay for it right then and there, as they did with the poor guy who got pepper sprayed, or they'll make somebody else pay for it. What, exactly did your friend accomplish, I mean, aside from making himself feel like a tough guy? He didn't keep the guy from getting pepper sprayed, did he? And now other people are going to pay the price for his anonymous battery of a cop.

The guy who got pepper sprayed just didn't know any better, and got pepper sprayed as a result. I have a whole lot of sympathy for him -- he suffered horribly just for being clueless. I have nothing but contempt for your friend -- he knew he'd get away with it, and didn't bother to figure out that other people will suffer for his juvenile stunt. I'd call him a sissy, but that's an insult to sissies -- it takes guts to be a sissy.

roofis lee king said:
i will do what i can to keep the route on track but somehow i always end up in the back. and on the subject of the sargent getting hit with a beer in the face. if it happened on lake shore drive while the cops were pepperspraying them 2 kids, he deserved it and i know who did it. haha.
Yeah Matt, take down the comment. That's no laughing matter. Your friend is an ass. And if he takes issue with being called names tell him i take issue with him hitting cops.

What a dumb bastard! The Cop deserved nothing of the sort by the way. Kinda hope he gets a crack at your pal.
I love all the people who "hate" cops and then will bitch about it when they need them and the police are not there. This isn't 1969 kid, cops aren't going around beating up hippies for the fun of it anymore. Being civil lies on our part too. If we (the royal we) act like Ftard assholes, expect to be treated like Ftard assholes. Its my belief that if anyone gets "Assalted" on this mass , that will be a direct result of that ass.
Yea thats right I spelled it that way.
So what exactly happened to the people last month? What were they charged with? Someone said they would update us (sorry, can't remember whom).
I did but I did not get permission from the two who were arrested so I will not speak publicly about the matter. I apologize for any inconvenience that may bring. I invited them to join the Chainlink discussion but I don't believe they will. However I did convince both of them to ride on a MM ride so maybe you can talk to them about it yourself.

Jason W said:
So what exactly happened to the people last month? What were they charged with? Someone said they would update us (sorry, can't remember whom).
Agreed. People who do shit like that are cowards. I guess it's easier to act like an asshole when you don't have to personally deal with the consequences of the bad choices you make. If you feel the need to act out, then man up and do what you gotta do, then deal with the consequences whatever they may be. You would still be an asshole , but at least you wouldn't be a cowardly asshole. I don't know what's worse. People who act like that and think they are cool, or the people who watch them act like that and encourage it.

I dunno maybe I'm just an out of touch, grumpy old man.

Gabe said:
Yeah Matt, take down the comment. That's no laughing matter. Your friend is an ass. And if he takes issue with being called names tell him i take issue with him hitting cops.

What a dumb bastard! The Cop deserved nothing of the sort by the way. Kinda hope he gets a crack at your pal.
Hehehehe, Have fun at the beach! :-)
Howard, I didn't try to diminish your attempts to secure ride leadership. All I was saying is something that I doubt we disagree on, we have a lot of leadership at the front, and it will probably not be an issue.

Barbara, (Her friend?), Jami, Howard, Tim, Paul*, Kevin and Travis.

Total Count: 8, that's a lot right? Way more than I remember ever volunteering to be in the front even when I was lurking for many years.

*This is his first time in a Mass and he is meeting friends so it may not be too fair to expect him to be a leader, but if he is there what a way to do your first ride!

PS. And it may come as a surprise that I have experienced everyone ditching me at the front. ;)


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