Planning thread for July 30th 2010 Chicago Critical Mass.

In the recent "Critical Mass Strategy" discussion, Barbra mentioned hints of her desire to do a map for July's CCM, with an underwear theme.  She's certainly capable, having participated in WNBR-C and CCM for several years, and the theme is certainly appropriate for hot weather.

So with just a few weeks to go, I'm proactively seeding this thread for discussion and planning.

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I've already told Barbra that I'll help at the front. I'll have Balloons of Self-Appointed-Authority on my head and will be ready to help with whatever is needed. If anyone else would like Balloons of Self-Appointed-Authority, you will know how to find me.

And Barbra, you are doing a great job. I didn't realize that you had switched the route to Wilson for the end, which is just as good. They both run for quite a while before hitting the Lake and we should be able to get the whole mass through the Lake Shore Drive intersection and there shouldn't be confusion on where the ride is going.

Corking the drive will definitely help deter the rabble rousers, and the blind followers will have a clear place to go. Everytime we get a bike, we're taking a risk...the great thing that Barbra has done is to have had a clear ending point that will be difficult to muddle that is away from the Drive...that reduces the risk.

The May ride was planned by two people who had never planned a ride before. Upon looking back, the place that we ended was horrible and didn't have room for the mass to pull off and "end" thus it went on LSD.

The June ride has a vacuum in the front and a jumbled end. Of course, I wasn't at the ride so I don't know what happened. I know that I wasn't there to help make the ride better or to steer it in a better direction, so I share in any blame for it being bad ride.

I'm committed to making the July ride as pleasant as possible. If an alternative idea comes up, I'm happy to help with that as well. I do know that hurling insults and personal attacks doesn't help anything and puts a real damper what most want to be a joyous event.
I will also help where needed

H3N3 said:
And on that note, I will get the winning route started in the direction as indicated on the winning map.
Who's with me? Will need to be ready to swing into action around 6.

H3N3 said:
There's an unfortunate assumption here that having a messy, disorganized ride can be "caused" by a map, or that not having a map guarantees a messy, disorganized ride.
All it takes is a few folks with some pipes on them and a hair of assertiveness working together at the front to get off to a good start, keep the ride massed, pinch off the cowboys, convince the police we've got things under control.
Absolutely no difference in the above whether there happens to be a followed route or not.
I find it absolutely bizarre that all this 'organizing' has not resulted in a single person committing to be at the front and helping as described above.

Kevin Conway said:
There's another way to look at this, Gabe. The sooner CCM can demonstrate some responsibility with respect to forbidden zones, the sooner relations with CPD and the city can be repaired/restored. As of yesterday, the CPD had no plans for an increased police presence on July CCM. The map in its current state bears a warning to stay off LSD. I recommend that the police get a copy of the map at least a couple days in advance with the understanding that ramps onto LSD will be corked and to give the CPD the opportunity to do the same. Barbra did a nice job. Give it a chance.

Gabe said:
So in order to have fun you must go to the beach, and by extension Lake Shore Drive? An excellent leader leads her soldiers to the slaughter?

You have an underwear theme that no one is gonna know about and many of the thousands you referenced will never know. They will come on the ride and go home wondering why that idiot on LSD was drunk, in his underwear, getting the crap kicked outta him by police.

And the corkers you are planning on having at LSD to keep people from goin on is a fail. Ragbrai will have many of our experienced riders, and if the police get a wiff of the Mass goin there they will have it blocked off anyway.

As i wrote to Andrew, it appears you have us staged to fight with each other and the police. Seems like an excellent plan, Leader.

And every mass is fun so saying you are planning a fun mass is redundant.

Avoid 1 problem like Lake Shore Drive and you make yourself a better leader. Take everyone there and you are trying to get into trouble.

And whatever you wrote as a reply is some awful mix of happy, condescension, and an attempt to stay cool all at the same time. It's awful. Argue or be happy or be insulting but don't try all of it so that you are still somehow cool or neutral. Being a leader would mean sticking your neck out and possibly not making friends, or worse angering a friend.
jamimaria said:
I've already told Barbra that I'll help at the front.

That's cool, and the balloons of authority have certainly seemed to be helpful on past rides; but it's not guaranteed that Barbara's ride will be chosen if there are competing routes, or it could be chosen and there could be a 'hijacking' early in the ride (etc. etc.)-- does that mean you'll help if another route wins that heads in a different direction? Can you be ready to meet at the needed corner by 6?
Cool. Can you call, or text me your number?

Paul Gurns said:
I will also help where needed

H3N3 said:
And on that note, I will get the winning route started in the direction as indicated on the winning map.
Who's with me? Will need to be ready to swing into action around 6.

H3N3 said:
There's an unfortunate assumption here that having a messy, disorganized ride can be "caused" by a map, or that not having a map guarantees a messy, disorganized ride.
All it takes is a few folks with some pipes on them and a hair of assertiveness working together at the front to get off to a good start, keep the ride massed, pinch off the cowboys, convince the police we've got things under control.
Absolutely no difference in the above whether there happens to be a followed route or not.
I find it absolutely bizarre that all this 'organizing' has not resulted in a single person committing to be at the front and helping as described above.

Kevin Conway said:
There's another way to look at this, Gabe. The sooner CCM can demonstrate some responsibility with respect to forbidden zones, the sooner relations with CPD and the city can be repaired/restored. As of yesterday, the CPD had no plans for an increased police presence on July CCM. The map in its current state bears a warning to stay off LSD. I recommend that the police get a copy of the map at least a couple days in advance with the understanding that ramps onto LSD will be corked and to give the CPD the opportunity to do the same. Barbra did a nice job. Give it a chance.

Gabe said:
So in order to have fun you must go to the beach, and by extension Lake Shore Drive? An excellent leader leads her soldiers to the slaughter?

You have an underwear theme that no one is gonna know about and many of the thousands you referenced will never know. They will come on the ride and go home wondering why that idiot on LSD was drunk, in his underwear, getting the crap kicked outta him by police.

And the corkers you are planning on having at LSD to keep people from goin on is a fail. Ragbrai will have many of our experienced riders, and if the police get a wiff of the Mass goin there they will have it blocked off anyway.

As i wrote to Andrew, it appears you have us staged to fight with each other and the police. Seems like an excellent plan, Leader.

And every mass is fun so saying you are planning a fun mass is redundant.

Avoid 1 problem like Lake Shore Drive and you make yourself a better leader. Take everyone there and you are trying to get into trouble.

And whatever you wrote as a reply is some awful mix of happy, condescension, and an attempt to stay cool all at the same time. It's awful. Argue or be happy or be insulting but don't try all of it so that you are still somehow cool or neutral. Being a leader would mean sticking your neck out and possibly not making friends, or worse angering a friend.
jamimaria said:
The May ride was planned by two people who had never planned a ride before. Upon looking back, the place that we ended was horrible and didn't have room for the mass to pull off and "end" thus it went on LSD.

I think it's reasonable to want to end at the lakefront in the summertime. I don't think it's fair to blame the Belmont LSD excursion on the map. I think you should apologize to the May map makers for your harsh characterization of the ride as "horrible", you big meany ;-)
Naturally. I want this ride to go smoothly. Though, if there is a vote, I'll vote for Barbra's as I'm familiar with the route.

H3N3 said:
jamimaria said:
I've already told Barbra that I'll help at the front.

That's cool, and the balloons of authority have certainly seemed to be helpful on past rides; but it's not guaranteed that Barbara's ride will be chosen if there are competing routes, or it could be chosen and there could be a 'hijacking' early in the ride (etc. etc.)-- does that mean you'll help if another route wins that heads in a different direction? Can you be ready to meet at the needed corner by 6?

H3N3 said:
Cool. Can you call, or text me your number?

Paul Gurns said:
I will also help where needed

H3N3 said:
And on that note, I will get the winning route started in the direction as indicated on the winning map.
Who's with me? Will need to be ready to swing into action around 6.

H3N3 said:
There's an unfortunate assumption here that having a messy, disorganized ride can be "caused" by a map, or that not having a map guarantees a messy, disorganized ride.
All it takes is a few folks with some pipes on them and a hair of assertiveness working together at the front to get off to a good start, keep the ride massed, pinch off the cowboys, convince the police we've got things under control.
Absolutely no difference in the above whether there happens to be a followed route or not.
I find it absolutely bizarre that all this 'organizing' has not resulted in a single person committing to be at the front and helping as described above.

Kevin Conway said:
There's another way to look at this, Gabe. The sooner CCM can demonstrate some responsibility with respect to forbidden zones, the sooner relations with CPD and the city can be repaired/restored. As of yesterday, the CPD had no plans for an increased police presence on July CCM. The map in its current state bears a warning to stay off LSD. I recommend that the police get a copy of the map at least a couple days in advance with the understanding that ramps onto LSD will be corked and to give the CPD the opportunity to do the same. Barbra did a nice job. Give it a chance.

Gabe said:
So in order to have fun you must go to the beach, and by extension Lake Shore Drive? An excellent leader leads her soldiers to the slaughter?

You have an underwear theme that no one is gonna know about and many of the thousands you referenced will never know. They will come on the ride and go home wondering why that idiot on LSD was drunk, in his underwear, getting the crap kicked outta him by police.

And the corkers you are planning on having at LSD to keep people from goin on is a fail. Ragbrai will have many of our experienced riders, and if the police get a wiff of the Mass goin there they will have it blocked off anyway.

As i wrote to Andrew, it appears you have us staged to fight with each other and the police. Seems like an excellent plan, Leader.

And every mass is fun so saying you are planning a fun mass is redundant.

Avoid 1 problem like Lake Shore Drive and you make yourself a better leader. Take everyone there and you are trying to get into trouble.

And whatever you wrote as a reply is some awful mix of happy, condescension, and an attempt to stay cool all at the same time. It's awful. Argue or be happy or be insulting but don't try all of it so that you are still somehow cool or neutral. Being a leader would mean sticking your neck out and possibly not making friends, or worse angering a friend.
Cool, thanks.
I'd suggest we hold off on the all-4-corner-corking idea for now and just be sure to get out butts to the necessary corner in time to be at the front (it only takes two people to create it, but it would sure be nice to have at least 5 or 6 up there once we're rolling).
Could there be general agreement on this?
Barbara and her friend, Jamie, Paul, Jerry, and now Howard. Those are the people who have committed to volunteer to be in the front without any calls to action. That seems like more than enough to ensure the ride is calm and fun. One would have to be a super hijacker to pull off a switcheroo and get the ride off on a bad start or into the danger zone.

But just to put Gabe's paranoid delusions of conspiracy to rest lets ask Jerry to contact Commander Kathleen Boehmer of the 23rd to see if she'll put some CCW friendly cops at the corners of LSD? If we reach out to them, put it on the map and generally play down any suggestion of LSD I think we can have fun at the beach without any guilt. I don't think we should stay away from such a perfect end point just out of fear of what may or may not happen. That's not the spirit of the Mass.

And on that note, I'm bowing out of the conversation. There are more than enough people who have volunteered to help and I feel I cannot possibly contribute anything more than what everyone else is contributing. There may be too many people helping. So if my assistance is needed I will gladly help out in anyway possible but otherwise I think I will just focus on making a solid four hour set to play while on Todd's trailer.
Jerry's made it clear he can't help at the front, and you just forced me to read this entire thread and I don't see anywhere where Barbara or her friend say they'll commit to being at the front (and/or regardless of which map we follow). So a few more confirmed would be nice.

Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! said:
Barbara and her friend, Jamie, Paul, Jerry, and now Howard. Those are the people who have committed to volunteer to be in the front without any calls to action. That seems like more than enough to ensure the ride is calm and fun. One would have to be a super hijacker to pull off a switcheroo and get the ride off on a bad start or into the danger zone.
But just to put Gabe's paranoid delusions of conspiracy to rest lets ask Jerry to contact Commander Kathleen Boehmer of the 23rd to see if she'll put some CCW friendly cops at the corners of LSD? If we reach out to them, put it on the map and generally play down any suggestion of LSD I think we can have fun at the beach without any guilt. I don't think we should stay away from such a perfect end point just out of fear of what may or may not happen. That's not the spirit of the Mass.
And on that note, I'm bowing out of the conversation. There are more than enough people who have volunteered to help and I feel I cannot possibly contribute anything more than what everyone else is contributing. There may be too many people helping. So if my assistance is needed I will gladly help out in anyway possible but otherwise I think I will just focus on making a solid four hour set to play while on Todd's trailer.
Well aren't you a peach.

If you wanted me to believe anything other than you have a deep down itch to "catch" a cop doin' something, you woulda said we shouldn't go to the beach. Maybe take one month off.

But by saying get some cops there, play it down, I really do think you've got some kinda weasel like need for somethin bad to happen. You would have police there so some ass can do the wrong thing and BAM you get to tape a cop.

I'll be looking for your video while hoping you have no reason to record one.

Good night sweet prince.
OK, folks, I got a call from Kevin suggesting this thread could use my input. So, here it is (and, no, I haven't reviewed the whole thread, because I don't like to see my friends, and people for whom I have great respect, mixing it up):

First, at the meeting, you'll recall I was opposed to going to the lakefront. I even hurled an insult, suggesting that our penchant for the lakefront was a bit yuppie for my taste. But the consensus disagreed with me on that. I acknowledge the sense of what they're saying -- it's July, and people naturally want to go to the beach.

It's not my preference, but I think this route can work. I just talked to CPD again, and I think we'll be OK. They understand that they can't control the ride, and all they can try to do is to manage problems. They also know that any given person or group can't necessarily control the ride either, but can try to manage problems. I think they'll be satisfied with a serious effort on our part to manage problems, and we are making that, so we should be OK.

One thing we can expect is some serious enforcement on booze, especially at Daley Plaza. Apparently, someone hurled a beer at a Lieutenant at the last ride, and it hit him in the face. Dumb move. Open consumption will be ticketed and/or arrested. The last time we dealt with that, they started with tickets, and escalated to an arrest if the offender squawked about the ticket.

Uh, you know, if it's not in a beer can, or there's, say, a sock over the can, they won't necessarily even know what you're drinking. Do you really have to be open and notorious with it? Is that really a hill you want to die on? Your call. I realize that advice doesn't apply to anyone in this thread, but that's what I'd say to anyone openly guzzling booze on the ride.


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