Planning thread for July 30th 2010 Chicago Critical Mass.

In the recent "Critical Mass Strategy" discussion, Barbra mentioned hints of her desire to do a map for July's CCM, with an underwear theme.  She's certainly capable, having participated in WNBR-C and CCM for several years, and the theme is certainly appropriate for hot weather.

So with just a few weeks to go, I'm proactively seeding this thread for discussion and planning.

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I would totally suggest not making a map until it's been tested. I've made the mistake of doing the map before the pre-ride. For example the Ring of Fire map was altered at the very last minute and southport didn't really fit very well which really did upset the over all design and made me a sad panda. Or maybe I am just overly picky.

Typically what I do now is start the map conceptualizing and create artwork shaped roughly in the dimensions of the ride and then build the map into that accordingly instead of building around the map first. Makes more sense and lets you scale things anyway you want. I'm more than willing to help you on any aspect of the map design if you should need.
Kevin, Jami, and Spencer...Let's plan on Monday night for the pre-ride? I think we'd have to meet at Daley...if anyone wants to ride from the Wicker Park/Humboldt Park/Ukranian Village area with me, let me know...also send me your cell numbers and I can coordinate. Thanks!!
Newest map: fixed Humboldt Park situation, begins going west on Randolph as originally planned...
Monday works for me. I work a block from the Daley Center. What time?

Barbra Mann said:
Kevin, Jami, and Spencer...Let's plan on Monday night for the pre-ride? I think we'd have to meet at Daley...if anyone wants to ride from the Wicker Park/Humboldt Park/Ukranian Village area with me, let me know...also send me your cell numbers and I can coordinate. Thanks!!
My schedule is flexible...when do you get off work? Jami and Spencer? When can you be there?

Kevin Conway said:
Monday works for me. I work a block from the Daley Center. What time?

Barbra Mann said:
Kevin, Jami, and Spencer...Let's plan on Monday night for the pre-ride? I think we'd have to meet at Daley...if anyone wants to ride from the Wicker Park/Humboldt Park/Ukranian Village area with me, let me know...also send me your cell numbers and I can coordinate. Thanks!!
Depending on the time I would like to preride if that's cool with you. This will be my first mass so familiarizing myself with the route ahead time would be appreciated.

Barbra Mann said:
Does anyone want to join Spencer and I for a test ride some evening next week? I need the exercise! Anyone else? I am thinking to not make the flyer til after the test ride just in case we change it due to unexpected construction or something.
5:30 on Monday, fine with me.
I can do 5:30 on Monday.

Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! said:
5:30 on Monday, fine with me.
5:30 is fine with me as well.
It's a date...and time...
Sounds good.

Barbra Mann said:
It's a date...and time...
Oops that last map had an error at the beginning...her it is again:


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