I'll look up some locations where that could work.
I'm working on the DJ set as we speak. What are the chances that I will be able to get some people to call my phone and leave a message saying something to the affect of, "Happy Friday this is the Critical Mass Underwear Ride!" Anyone want to do that?
I have the map "finished" in google maps...but I am still looking how to make the link shorter so I can post it here for discussion before I make *another* map in photoshop that I will have to scrap (it was good experience!). In the mean time send me your emails and I will email you all to collaborate and look at my map. I want to make sure there are no problems with it before I photoshop it again...Spencer and Andrew I have your emails already...sending now...
I have taken Barbara's map and modified it using Howards southern Clark adjustment. I have also converted it from the google map sketch to a turn by turn directions based map including every round up, http://bit.ly/c70X8N. If you wish to modify it please do so by grabbing one of the white dots or the route lines themselves and dragging them around. Once you're done please click "Link" button in the top right hand corner and get the URL from the "Paste link in email or IM" bar.
Barbra, it's a great map coming to roughly 18.3 miles! We've been having some short routes recently so it's nice to see a longer one will be happening in the near future. So when is the test ride?
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