I understand that there might be some other ideas floating around, and that things are being kept hush hush. That's cool I can dig it. I'm just looking for feedback on this route that I have thrown togeather. Here's my route: http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=4112010


If your wondering why I would try a route that looks pretty FUBAR, its because I'm basing it off a pentagram with Goose Island in the center. Here's the line route with it continuing on back to Daily Plaza:http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=4111937


The Points on the pentagram are: Daily Plaza, DePaul University, Union Park, Chicago Historical Museum, and Wicker Park. There is no reason for these being the points other than they were just far enough apart and that Goose Island happend to be right in the middle.


Like I said, i might try to push for this or might not, I'd just like to hear some pros and cons from this route.




Views: 148

Replies to This Discussion

If anyone wants to do up a quick map, I have this google map of "haunted" Chicago places: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?oe=UTF-8&ie=UTF8&hl=en&m...

I have no connections between the places, but there at least might be some points of interest.
Neat Davo! That totally rocks, and is way funny. Northside CM would do a route like that for sure. I'd give it a whirl, but you plan to hold off? And no, I don't think there's any secret map planned.

In the other thread on October I suggested Comedy Central solidarity (The Mass to Resore Sanity/Preserve Fear), and linked to prior Halloween maps. The one from 1999 especially is a beauty. (map makers make sure you've read this)

Occurs to me, that Day of the Dead thing in Pilsen H posted (free, 2229 S Halsted) might be a good destination, has something Ghost Bike themed?
Work just got super busy and Haloween really snuck up on me this year so I couldn't get a flier togeather. I think if a map like this is ever done that there should be a giant mass up at points of the star and we do some kind of spell or something.

Andrew Bedno said:
Neat Davo! That totally rocks, and is way funny. Northside CM would do a route like that for sure. I'd give it a whirl, but you plan to hold off? And no, I don't think there's any secret map planned.

In the other thread on October I suggested Comedy Central solidarity (The Mass to Resore Sanity/Preserve Fear), and linked to prior Halloween maps. The one from 1999 especially is a beauty. (map makers make sure you've read this)

Occurs to me, that Day of the Dead thing in Pilsen H posted (free, 2229 S Halsted) might be a good destination, has something Ghost Bike themed?


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