Far Northside riders have tossed around ideas to either ride in mass downtown for the big monthly CCM, and/or get our drink on somewhere intermediate.

Andrew's September 25th plan: Leaving by 4:15pm taking LakeFrontPath to downtown. Will pass and pause at Foster circle (on path, S end of beach) about 4:20 for any to find me. Arriving before 5:15p at Cardoso's Pub (just 2blks W at 170 W Washington) for pre-drink/last-pee.

I've loosely suggested a few times that riders wanting to take the lakefront path to downtown meet at the bench circle at Foster. South end of beach, by basketball court, park building, fountain, concessions, beautiful new mosaic, visible from space yet low surveillance. Takes about 45 minutes to downtown if not going slow. That's my personal standing plan, but I like LFP more than most.

Others already farther South I understand sometimes gather at varying bars.
Let this thread serve to assemble such pre-gathering ideas for NorthSiders heading for Critical Mass.

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Cross posted from Aaron Bussey:
A few of us are planning on meeting at the hideout around 4pm for a quick one and then ride down around 5pm - Hideout is @ Elston and Wabansia on Wabansia (1354 W Wabansia Ave).
Hey Aaron et.al., what's your route to get there?
Cross posted from Tony:

The Loyola mini-mass will be meeting at the bike workshop on the lakeshore campus at 4:30pm. It's in the main parking structure. We head down the lakeshore path and take a short break at North avenue beach and continue to Critical Mass at Daley Center Plaza. We do this for every Critical Mass. Please feel free to join.
I love this idea!
If anyone wants to hook-up I'm doing Red Line from Berwyn around 3:30pm to Lake St, arriving plaza before 4:30pm.
Then Cardozo's Pub just 2blks away at 170 W Washington for quick pre-drinks. Slightly underground, swordfish on wall, Dunkin next door. Toast with me!
Refreshing this topic for September Mass...
I plan to leave by 4:15pm Taking LakeFrontPath to downtown. Will pass and pause at Foster circle (on path, S end of beach) about 4:20 for any to find me. Arriving before 5:15p at Cardoso's Pub (just 2blks W at 170 W Washington) for pre-drink/last-pee.
My route from Edgewater: LakeFrontPath South all the way past Navy Pier, over the big bridge/underpass structures to just after boat parking but before the Yacht, to the first turnout back above ground which is Randolph. Then West to plaza. Randolph goes several blocks nearly car-free and sortof underground mainly tour bus parking, then some hard pedalling uphill back overground continuing through Michigan for big adventure in heavy traffic, but the cars are so gridlocked there and then it's easy. About 8 miles, averaging 12mph, I get there in under 45 minutes.


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