Why don't you just do your own ride...instead of trying to 'hijack' a group that is obviously there for something different than what you have in mind? Prove to us all how your concept of a critical mass is superior!
I think many CM-ers prefer the guidance of a map that someone has thought out and checked for road construction closures and so on...especially people with kids in tow, people with disabilities or special needs, people on blades, people with sound systems, etc. Maybe the BIG monthly CM is not for you. I know it's exciting to have thousands of people around you...but with that comes responsibility, and it sounds like you are not interested in what other people want or need or what is safe. Man, how many times do people have to defend CM like this?! This is getting old. Just do your own ride, already!
OR...You could always plan for your following of 'anarchists' (if you can garner one)to branch off of the main CM at a certain point and head to the suburbs as randomly, quickly, and haphazardy as you want...
that way you get the excitement of the bigger group at first but also get to do what you want to. No-one is forcing you to stay the route! Remember that. Cut yourself loose at ANY point.
...but I think it is ridiculous of you to suggest tricking everyone into following you...you don't seem to have the experience or forethought to lead thousands of people on a ride. And if you don't like 'pre-planned' then why are you already suggesting Oak Park or Riverside?!? Sound like YOU just want to be THE leader, which there is none on CM. The planning process seems to be to be a collaborative effort to me...I always see the planning process on-line.
PS I have no interest in following you to the suburbs...your idea sounds bad to me. What, do you LIVE there or something?
I'm hijacking Aaron's hijacking and taking the ride to after party with body painting and naked poetry readings by Aurora Butterfly, the cyclomuse that started up the World Naked Bike Ride in Chicago. Something tells me this is going to be more of a crowd pleaser than the winding up in a strip mall parking lot of a near west suburb (just a hunch). Also, I've been massively procrastinating on getting the 13th Critical Mass Bike Winter Art Show, but it looks like things should come together nicely for 2010, which means February also has a destination!
This month is a favor to an old friend that I know through Chicago Critical Mass, and her efforts in promoting the WNBR have touched thousands of people in this city. February has another herstory that extends before my time with CCM, and the Bike Winter Art Show is a production made possible only by dozens of artists, performers, and volunteers.
I wish the armchair anarchists would acknowledge that Chicago Critical Mass has developed it's own unique character through the planning and efforts of volunteers and not try and reduce it to what they've read on Wikipedia. With the neighborhood Critical Mass rides and other group rides, you have plenty of opportunities to ride aimlessly in small groups that lend themselves to "winging it" turn by turn.
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