Planning thread for Friday August 28th Chicago Critical Mass.
Primary pending proposal is to finally run the updated "Bubble" route, held over from June.
That one ends at 31st street beach. Details to be posted later.

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I pre-rode the route Wednesday night, and it was delightful. All roads ample widths, most have bike markings, and the route flows. Changes:
Removed Canalport due to construction, staying on 18th instead.
Removed short 29th/Throop turns to Archer for simplicity.
Corrected location of "Blue City"

Unless somebody comes up with something really important NOW, this is considered final. THANX everyone!
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argh, so bummed i missed the crawl through bridgeport... how did that neck of the woods go? did the ride follow the route, even? did you wave to my house when you passed it? and was i right about ashland & archer needing some bike love? do you adore 33rd as much as i do? (i was hit on 33rd, a block east of king, and i STILL love that street.)

sorry i couldn't offer an after-party at my place! it's small, but the yard is ample. hmmm maybe i will have to have some sort of backyard celebration before it gets too cold to use the yard...

Andrew Bedno said:
I pre-rode the route Wednesday night, and it was delightful. All roads ample widths, most have bike markings, and the route flows. Changes:
Removed Canalport due to construction, staying on 18th instead. Removed short 29th/Throop turns to Archer for simplicity. Corrected location of "Blue City"

Unless somebody comes up with something really important NOW, this is considered final. THANX everyone!
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