I'd like to suggest doing my 2009 "Earth Mass" route again this April.

I think it was well built and well enjoyed.

It simply passes through a number of parks including Union, Herbert, Sain, Garfield, Humboldt, Palmer and lakefront, and follows tree-lined boulevards.  It ends near Wilson and is inline skater compatible.

We skipped Garfield in 2009 and in retrospect it's easier without.  Some speak fearfully of Humboldt but I think that means it needs attention.


This park intensive mass is designed to coincide with Earth Month (April).  It's exactly a week after Earth Day (April 22nd) and coincidentally on Arbor Day (April 29th).


Map flyer:


and http://MassUp.us/ccm

3D virtual flythough:


Post-ride story:



Views: 111

Replies to This Discussion

re: gone to print, i think we both know the mass's route is determined more by the folks up front than by some ink on paper ;)

randolph is open metal, yeah. we've done it plenty, though.

as for the harrison jaunt, perhaps we could swing by that shiny new park in greektown again? it's at adams and sangamon, so maybe s on clark, w on harrison, n on halsted, w on adams, then n on either sangamon or peoria (i'm usually on halsted, so i don't know if one of those streets is superior), before heading west on randolph.

i will also admit that harrison isn't the most happening street. i'm drawn to it mostly for the bike-friendly bridge (seriously, i am so thankful to have a cemented bridge between cal's bar and my house...). it also avoids *some* loop traffic, and i think clark to harrison is a swift exit that won't take us too far out of the way.

i like the inclusion of garfield park; like humboldt, we can actually ride *through* it, not just past it. plus, the conservatory is gorgeous, 5th ave is my favorite secret-diagonal, and there's even a liquor store at the corner (5th ave and central park). i know the distance is getting long, but i definitely agree with Cliff that we're gonna stop riding once we see lake michigan.

oh, i also noticed "Delay" instead of Daley plaza on the map; not sure if it's a joke or a typo.

i won't be able to help pre-ride, but i can scout the best streets around Adams and Sangamon Park if you're interested in taking things by there.

Will not be in town. :(

I updated the gmap version with Lauren's Clark/Harrison/Halsted mod.

I love 5th as well. Missing it (mass swept right) is why we skipped Garfield in 2009.

BUT Looking closely just now I note that both 5th and Adams are discontinuous (and remembered tromping in skates across a playground in 2009), which I can't resolve other than by taking Jackson more than a mile.

Thoughts?  On Google Maps.

Earth Mass 2 Pre-Ride proposed this Saturday:


Pre-ride done.  Flyer updated. Cues:
S on S Clark St
W on W Harrison St
N on S Halsted St
W on W Randolph St
SW on W Ogden Ave
Union Park
W on W Madison St
S on S Western Ave
W on W Jackson Blvd
N on S Central Park Blvd
Garfield Park
E on W Fraklin Blvd
N on N Sacremento Blvd
Humboldt Park
W on W Palmer Sq
Palmer Park
N on N Kedzie Blvd
Logan Park
E on W Logan Blvd
Skate Park
NE on W Logan Blvd
E on W Diversey Ave
SE on N Lincoln Ave
E on W Fullerton Pkwy
Lincoln Park
N on Lake Front Trail
End at W Wilson Ave
Skate Park, Cricket Hill, Harbor, ...


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