Seeing a flier for "T-Shirt Art Harvest Fest" this year September 24-26, I remembered how much I enjoyed last year's September Mass, which ended there (the American Indian Center, 1630 W Wilson). Screen-printed maps, native American inspired route design, drinx and snax at end, good stuff. What say we re-run that mass this month? Would also serve to support C-Drew in the bizarre pending case from audio recording his own arrest.
Or let this thread serve for any discussion of this month's mass.

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Joe, I don't see anything wrong with this map. Good job! When you get the map designed be sure to post it on the flyer exchange,, hmmm the website is down.
I could REALLY use a designer's help in making this map cool. Anyone?

It just needs the store/library locatins pointed out, and maybe just the general route of main streets.
Just a suggestion... This map just misses the wickerpark bucktown library. Any thoughts of going a little further up milwaukee?
CCM site seems back up (right this second at least). As Spencer noted, do post your finished map in the flyer exchange:
Note that uploading requires you create a site account there (free, simple, safe).

Creators sometimes upload a map on the "Ride" page for a given month, which also collects post-ride stories. But ultimately the flyer exchange is the definitive archive.

Chris Drew / Maria Wohadlo have posted a route on the September ride page:
It ends at the "Free Party for Freedom" at 1630 W Wilson (the AIC).
Joe's v3 route turns (at Montrose/Ravenswood) just two blocks from the AIC endpoint.

I note that Joe's now passes the Tribune's "Freedom Center" printing facility (Chicago/Halsted).
About snaking, personally I'd scrap points 1+2 and just scoot out N on LaSalle, but I tend cautious.
Note that Friday is Native American Day, which ties in with C-Drew's route.
AND National Punctuation Day, which ties in with Joe's route.
Both head north, one to snax and art, the other longer and beach. One day to go.

(grrrr... CCM's giving transient 404s, and not defaulting to current month)
I've put both route flyer PDFs in the flyer exchange:

"Freedom" ride:
Exits south on Clark, West on VanBuren. Ends at Wilson/Paulina.

"Bookclub" ride:
Exits south on Clark, East on Monroe. Ends at Foster beach.

Hence Monroe is the split, where Bookclub goes East and Freedom continues South. Facilitators, be aware of that point, just two blocks out from the plaza, if routes happen as published.

I hope many follow each, and that we overlap on the way.
2 maps? Nice! @ Monroe there will be a great upheaval or not. I want to see some good old fashion hijacking people.

Cordially in your Happy Friday-
but still cordially,

Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer!
Or let this thread serve for any discussion of this month's mass.

By all means.


More pictures:
(from Serge)


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