Seeing a flier for "T-Shirt Art Harvest Fest" this year September 24-26, I remembered how much I enjoyed last year's September Mass, which ended there (the American Indian Center, 1630 W Wilson). Screen-printed maps, native American inspired route design, drinx and snax at end, good stuff. What say we re-run that mass this month? Would also serve to support C-Drew in the bizarre pending case from audio recording his own arrest.
Or let this thread serve for any discussion of this month's mass.

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Ooo...Per the CCM list, it does look like Christopher Drew is going to be proposing a route. Wow, this will be the first time in a long time that there are two maps to choose from.
Note that the Chicago Tribune's "Freedom Center", a massive and legendary printing facility, is at 777 W Chicago (at Halsted), only a few blocks off the Literacy route I looked at, and in theme. It's also a fairly stunning vista and architecture.
I'll be voting for Joe's!
2nd Draft:

This one adds the brown line Chicago Library, printer's row, I tried to do at least one turn every half mile, and it ends up at/near foster beach.
I like it. And it's close to Chris Drews thing so everyone is happy!

Joe Sak said:
2nd Draft:

This one adds the brown line Chicago Library, printer's row, I tried to do at least one turn every half mile, and it ends up at/near foster beach.
The begining of that ride should be quite interesting.
So yea I need to undo the snaking / intersecting.

3rd draft should be this evening!
The snaking can cause some undesirable snags and jams. Keep in mind we are causing temporary gridlock in all directions around us, so when we make a tight U-turn (1-3 blocks in width), it results in us standing around getting caught in our own traffic jam.


Joe Sak said:
So yea I need to undo the snaking / intersecting.

3rd draft should be this evening!
Steven and everyone, Joe's getting rid of the snaking and making a few more tweaks based on user suggestions as well.
What if instead of doing the North/Damen/Milwaukee that we usually do, we went NE to North on Honore St.? I really like the use of Evergreen and I think Honore St. would be a good continuation of this.
I'll take a look, but Milwaukee / Damen / North puts us by 826 Chicago, Myopic Books, and Quimby's

Davo said:
What if instead of doing the North/Damen/Milwaukee that we usually do, we went NE to North on Honore St.? I really like the use of Evergreen and I think Honore St. would be a good continuation of this.
Draft 3:

I got rid of the snaking, and I took us up Honore (we'll either miss or barely shave by Myopic, oh well)


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