Seeing a flier for "T-Shirt Art Harvest Fest" this year September 24-26, I remembered how much I enjoyed last year's September Mass, which ended there (the American Indian Center, 1630 W Wilson). Screen-printed maps, native American inspired route design, drinx and snax at end, good stuff. What say we re-run that mass this month? Would also serve to support C-Drew in the bizarre pending case from audio recording his own arrest.
Or let this thread serve for any discussion of this month's mass.

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Joe I'd b happy to help in the front for part of the ride if you need me to.... :-)

Joe Sak said:
Awesome, guys! I'll start drafting a map asap! I'm glad people are into this :) I've been telling the people at Open Books, cos they are all about Nat'l Lit Month (duhhh)
If we don't end up at the American Indian Center, I nonetheless will be going there either after mass or on Sat/Sun! It's a free party for freedom! Great idea, Andrew.
I like the theme as well!
First Draft of the Map:

It passes by, in this order:
- Newberry Library
- Open Books
- Myopic Books
- Quimby's
- Lincoln Park Library
- Bookworks
- Revenswood Chicago Public Library
-- ends at the beach on Lawrence
13 miles

Jami, the book bike guy is my wife's mother's next door neighbor. We were over there visiting several weeks ago and saw a typical TV news crew with a cameraman and a 'hot' reporter in heels and too much makeup hanging out by the front porch with a cargo bike and wondered what the hell was going on. Eventually we learned the story of the book bike. I suppose I could go back and leave an invite to CCM in the mailbox.
I sent him an email letting him know about it and that we'd love to have him. I also offered to collect donations if he wouldn't be able to go in person.

Todd Allen said:
Jami, the book bike guy is my wife's mother's next door neighbor. We were over there visiting several weeks ago and saw a typical TV news crew with a cameraman and a 'hot' reporter in heels and too much makeup hanging out by the front porch with a cargo bike and wondered what the hell was going on. Eventually we learned the story of the book bike. I suppose I could go back and leave an invite to CCM in the mailbox.
Also, my route goes by 826 Chicago! My friends volunteer for 826 Michigan:) w00t!
I like the points on the map. However, the mile long route on Dearborn might be a little problematic to start. The ride has a real tendancy to spread out and clogging one street for that long can be problemmatic.

One alternative could be to go Right at Kinzie, then left on Lower Michigan (people like hooting and hollaring underground) then turn Left on Grand and Right on Rush, then Left on State and then continue as you have it on the map.

Another consideration would be to cross the river at state since it isn't open grate there. Totally not necessary, but it is nice.

THe almost 2 mile stretch along Division is also kind of long. If it doesn't miss any points of interest, maybe it could pass Open Books then go back to Chicago and Take Halsted onto Goose Island, but then Take a left at the Light at North Branch and go through Goose island that way and take a left onto Division. It might be interesting for a brief bit.

Not really sure about the long stretch on North Avenue...but it's also a little long. Are there other libraries that we could go by? I know that hte Chicago Bike Map points out where the libraries are and could be a resource.

Ending at the Beach at Lawrence is nice enough, especially since it's close to the American Indian Center thing.

Joe Sak said:
First Draft of the Map:

It passes by, in this order:
- Newberry Library
- Open Books
- Myopic Books
- Quimby's
- Lincoln Park Library
- Bookworks
- Revenswood Chicago Public Library
-- ends at the beach on Lawrence
13 miles

Yo! Nice! I hope you win Howards $100! Here are my suggestions:

@Wacker turn left to LaSalle and then turn on Ohio to get back to Newberry.

@Halsted drop south to Kendell College then go back up on Elston.

@Goose Island... AWESOME, I can't remember the last time the Mass visited the island. I think we can easily break up the long ride on Division by going around the island's shore.

@Lawrence. DON'T DO IT! A ton of construction and those damn metal plates everywhere. People are gonna wreck on this street. How about going north on Damen, to Foster and then to Foster Beach? The Uptown police district arrested some people for possession at the beach and I think that would be nice to avoid.

It's still really close to the Indian Center event.
Thanks for the feedback, Spencer & Jami--

As long as we make it by Open Books & 826 Chicago because those are promises I made ;-)

This was just a first draft and I definitely welcome your improvements!

Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! said:
Yo! Nice! I hope you win Howards $100! Here are my suggestions:
@Wacker turn left to LaSalle and then turn on Ohio to get back to Newberry. @Halsted drop south to Kendell College then go back up on Elston.
@Goose Island... AWESOME, I can't remember the last time visited them. Can we break up the distance of Division by going round the island?
@Lawrence. DON'T DO IT! A ton of construction and those damn metal plates everywhere. People are gonna wreck on this street. How about going north on Damen to Foster to Foster Beach? Also the Uptown police district arrested some people for possession a couple months back so going to Foster would be nice to avoid that scene.
I've been updating it re-read. ; )
I think you need to save route and post a new link...

Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! said:
I've been updating it re-read. ; )


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