Seeing a flier for "T-Shirt Art Harvest Fest" this year September 24-26, I remembered how much I enjoyed last year's September Mass, which ended there (the American Indian Center, 1630 W Wilson). Screen-printed maps, native American inspired route design, drinx and snax at end, good stuff. What say we re-run that mass this month? Would also serve to support C-Drew in the bizarre pending case from audio recording his own arrest.
Or let this thread serve for any discussion of this month's mass.

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This was a great route last year. I like routes with quick access to the lakefront trail at the end, which I can then take home southbound.
A very memorable ride indeed.
Spencer asked me to do a CCM map last month but I was gone on family vacation and I would love to do it for this month, if people are okay with that?

Are there any rules / guidelines?
Andrew, as much as I thought trying to force two maps together was fun I think I would like to see what Joe has going for us.
It would be awesome to see more than one map or idea for the ride! There are some guidlines here:

I say pick a spot, and figure out a fun way to get there. A bonus is adding in places where the ride can see how long it really is...over- and underpasses are fun.

If you want help identifying the people interpreting the map at the front, I'd be happy to do some balloon helmet work for them.

Joe Sak said:
Spencer asked me to do a CCM map last month but I was gone on family vacation and I would love to do it for this month, if people are okay with that?

Are there any rules / guidelines?
Joe, just remember. If you loose in the vote you can always hijack. ; )
I'm not invested, just brought it up in case there was a vacuum. I'd bet C-Drew / Jenny Rotten are probably thinking about fielding a flyer, but may not have found this thread. So, whatever, weeks to go. Thanx Jami for linking to the route dev page.
So if people are cool with it, I'm gonna go with a National Literacy Month theme (since that's what month it is)

It will start by riding by Open Books (Chicago & Franklin -- because I work above them, they are an AWESOME non-profit and I love them so very much) and then out by several libraries and local book stores on the way up north. It will end on the beach, by the trail.

Sound good?
I love it!

I wonder if we could get the book bike guy to come and ride with us?

Joe Sak said:
So if people are cool with it, I'm gonna go with a National Literacy Month theme (since that's what month it is)

It will start by riding by Open Books (Chicago & Franklin -- because I work above them, they are an AWESOME non-profit and I love them so very much) and then out by several libraries and local book stores on the way up north. It will end on the beach, by the trail.

Sound good?
Who wants to reach out to him?
I can...I donated some to the cause and have his email address.

Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! said:
Who wants to reach out to him?
Awesome, guys! I'll start drafting a map asap! I'm glad people are into this :) I've been telling the people at Open Books, cos they are all about Nat'l Lit Month (duhhh)


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