Step right up, start seeding you June 26th Critical Mass route thoughts here.

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Here's another vote for South Side ride. Maybe end up at a nice, cool beach! 31st street beach has an awesome skate park, too.
I think a repeat of the "bubbles 31st": last year's June ride, would be a fine Idea.
It steers clear of downtown, and several problem areas and it ends in a good location.

One of my favorite masses was June of last year.

The "BP" route is also a fairly decent route. but I would vote for "Bubbles" again.
Copying some links forward to this page...
"Bubbles 31st" / gum / seltzer / beer / soda / beach.
"Bike People Dumping" / secret water park / egg roll by / comisky /...
Preliminary route points of interest including 8 fun related, and 10 related to 1968:

Everyone I've talked to says do Bubbles again, or derivative (same as last June, ends at 31st street beach, LFP home). I enjoyed that ride as well, but was unaware of a plan and just thought we had wandered far. I may convert Bubbles into turn-by-turn and tweak it some. But I'd like to not take too big a role, since the anarchist cabal is mad at me. Just days to go, any MapMakers wanna help? My records show authors "John Ladner and Garth".
As the weather gets warmer, I get more bubble-related inquiries (guess there are worse reasons to be remembered). Most mappers consider prior routes to be "open source" and tweaking is welcome. One of my favorites was the "Donut Ride" from a few summers back; it ended around 40th and Damen.

To anyone who has not flogged a route - take the plunge! Helping 2,000 people have a great time is quite a rush. Route(s) not selected can be proposed again. If any inspired folks want another pair of wheels (and eyes) to pre-ride, I am available this week except Thurs. evening and would be happy to help.

Since it finally feels like summer, whatever route the mass takes will have bubbly goodness from me. I look forward to the return of helmets decorated with balloons.
Party, celebrating whats the difference we're there for the fun. Big up to Red dog for tellling me bout this site. This is great. As for a silly suggestion I think that the route last may where we took over LSD around lawernce was fun. Really dangerous but that was a blast I made it to belmont before I wised up and got off. Where ever the ride goes I will have a blast

M.A.R.K. said:
We're not partying, we are celebrating!

Dave Micek said:
The south rides are always nice. I get to visit some neighborhoods I normally don't get around to often. That said things tend to get hairy on those rides (like may's mass) if we can keep the mass somewhat together, I'd be down but things tend to get strung out. As far as going towards the taste, I think thats a bad idea, the police would not let a horde of bikes get anywhere near the taste and they might have to show some "force" with paddy wagons and such. That happened on a mass last year, I think, and none of the charges stuck but there is no need to test those waters when we all just want to party on our bikes.
Leading the mass onto LSD is generally a Bad Idea. All other arguments aside, this kind of move pretty much guarantees Critical Mass the wrong sort of police attention, as has been evidenced in previous forays onto the Drive. There are many ways to have a fun on the Mass without LSD.

Dave Micek said:
... I think that the route last may where we took over LSD around lawernce was fun...
just making a new, slightly more detailed map of the bubbles ride would be a great Idea and that we would be good to go with that.
as a broken-down old lady who tends to have trouble walking the day after mass, I sure wouldn't mind if it didn't end 6 miles south of downtown, seeing as I live 8 miles north. but, you know, it seems like no matter what the route is, it always gets cut by about 75% once we get to hipster central/wicker park/logan square, so whatever.
the el is your friend!

Sue C. said:
as a broken-down old lady who tends to have trouble walking the day after mass, I sure wouldn't mind if it didn't end 6 miles south of downtown, seeing as I live 8 miles north. but, you know, it seems like no matter what the route is, it always gets cut by about 75% once we get to hipster central/wicker park/logan square, so whatever.
I would love to not have to plow through Wicker park again for a while.

I live on the west side, so north, south, it is all the same distance for me pretty much.
I concur.
The Earth (Parks) Mass from April is the one I proposed for annual reuse, but the May could be as well.
More plans for updated Bubble mass:

Bubbles ride on Google Maps (KML format):

Turn by Turn: Daley Plaza, Dearborn N, Lake E, Wabash N, Wacker NE, Michigan N, Ontario W, Dearborn N, Chicago W, LaSalle N, Oak W, Wells S, Institute W, Franklin S, Erie W, Kingsbury SE, Kinzie W, Canal S, Fulton W, DesPlaines S, Monroe E, Clinton S, Harrison E, Canal S, Taylor W, Halsted S, Maxwell E, Union S, 16th E, Canal S, 18th W, Canalport SW, Jefferson S, 22nd W, Halsted S, Archer SW, Senour NW, Hillock SW, Loomis SE, Lyman SW, Lock NW, Archer SW, Paulina S, 34th E, Iron SE, 35th E, Racine S, 37th E, Morgan S, Pershing E, Halsted S, Root E, Princeton S, 43rd E, State N, Pershing E, MLK Jr N, 31st E, Beach. Also note: Original bubbles ride work on

As is, this has over 50 turns in only 15 miles. I'd like to reduce it to less than 24 turns.


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