This Discussion is to provide up-to-date information regarding the Fox River Trail. As you ride it, provide a brief report here

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Serge, that underpass is unsafe but fun to ride through, which almost everyone does.  Just don't fall into the river.

The trail is officially open right up to the south end of RR underpass.  Lots of fisherman fish Popular Creek there. 

Still out.  On the other hand, the bridge over Algonquin Rd. has been installed, but the trail leading to it is still a mess (technically the Prairie Path)

Is this trail all paved? Is there any crushed stone? If this bridge is still out, where do you recommend to start?

Are the crushed stone areas manageable for a road bike?

We should've taken a picture here this past weekend.  There is now a fence that makes it pretty much impossible to cross this bridge.  You can climb over the tracks though.  On this side you can use the steps on the right of this pic.  On the other side there's a little dirt pathway to get back down.  Screw detours!  

envane (69 furlongs) said:

Still out.  On the other hand, the bridge over Algonquin Rd. has been installed, but the trail leading to it is still a mess (technically the Prairie Path)

Oh there is now an Abus mini u-lock in the Fox River under the wooden bridge about 3-4 miles south of there. I've got the keys so if anyone wants to fish it out it's theirs! 

The Algonquin Road segment of this trail is almost passable now.  As of 3/30/2014, here is the trick.

From the South, right after you cross Main Street there is a new but still closed divided highway.  Ride on that, watching for debris and gaps.  Go down the wrong way on the on ramp and make it over to the parking lot next to the post office parking lot.  Cross Algonquin and go up the big hill to the FP restroom.  There's a new section of trail from the restrooms that goes down to the trail.

From the North, before you cross Algonquin, you'll see a sign directing you up the hill to some restrooms.  Ride up the new pavement and from there follow the previous directions in reverse.

That section of trail under the railway has now been completely removed, but the short diversion along Roverview Drive isn't too bad.

The section of the trail in Elgin that goes under Highland Avenue and Chicago Street, just north of the riverboat casino, has now been re-opened - construction in that area is now complete.


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