I may as well start planning before it gets too close. My plans for this summer tour:

1. Amtrak to Quincy
2.Ride down along the river to near St. Louis, St. Charles
3. Ride the Katy Trail west, to the end
4. Ride up to Independence, Missouri
5. Take Amtrak back to Chicago

What's your plans?

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I think I want to copy some of your past trips. I've read some of your ride reports and found them really encouraging. I want to go up to Milwaukee.

Also, I want to go to Michigan, take the ferry across and then bike back down.

I'm keeping my trips simple for now since I"m new to touring, but I'm definitely excited!
I am planning a trip up to the Michigan Ferry this summer. Here is my planned route. Hope you have fun!

Chicago to Muskegon:
Milwaukee To Chicago (suburbs)
I'm thinking about doing a loop around Lake Michigan in the late summer/early fall. However I'd prefer to tour with other people and am down to go anywhere, as long as there's enough time.
I have my first trip planned out! It isn't much of a tour, but I'm still excited. Next Saturday I'm going to Metra to Kenosha, ride to Milwaukee, see some breweries, stay overnight and then ride back to the Metra.

Some other friends and I are also planning an Indiana Dunes camping trip in May.
I will be riding to from Chicago to Virginia Beach this August.
Has anyone done this, or gone in that general direction? Got any route suggestions?

If your willing to ride south first or take the train you could use the TransAmerica trail. It runs through southern Illinois (way southern).

The adventure cycling association sell detailed maps of trails all over America. The TransAmerica trail goes from Astoria, OR, to Yorktown, VA. The good thing about being on the trail is that you meet other cyclists. I did the trail a long time ago and remember it fondly as one of the best times of my life.




allison said:
I will be riding to from Chicago to Virginia Beach this August.
Has anyone done this, or gone in that general direction? Got any route suggestions?
If your willing to ride south first or take the train you could use the TransAmerica trail. It runs through southern Illinois (way southern).

You could take the Amtrak 391 or 393 to Carbondale. This takes bikes directly on the train, without the need to package in a box. It comes pretty close to that Adventure Cycling Trail.


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