Started by Lee S Aug 17, 2010.
Started by payton. Last reply by h' Zerocats Mar 2, 2009.
The Manor and Meadow Tour II, this year in Geneva:
Looking for 1-2 more people to help at Saturday's dyke march. Ronit B. and I will be there. We will have a banner and tattoos to put on people!
An organization called StartOut contacted The Chainlink about helping to spread the word about a screening of the film Miss Representation on May 8th at the Music Box Theatre. The event will raise awareness and funds for StartOut's Lesbian Entrepreneurship Mentoring Program. StartOut is an organization dedicated to fostering and supporting entrepreneurs in the LGBT community.
We would like to combine this with a bike focused event. Maybe by having a group get together and bike to the screening and/or bike somewhere for drinks afterwards. Is anyone interesting in helping to coordinate something in conjunction with the screening of Miss Representation? This is pretty short notice, but we wanted to try to spread the word.
Let us know if you have questions or if you’d like to rally the troops!
is a mere sixty days out. I still need committments for volunteers to be ride marshalls. Marshalls will assist the Ride Captain keeping the group together and handling enroute breakdowns. PM me via The Chainlink if you'd like to help out. I've invited members of my gay suburban group (WSGA), so we'll be properly represented.
Are any members of this group professional bicycle wrenches? Meaning do you make your living working in a bike shop and identifiy as an out gay or lesbian.
Ross from Windy City Times would like to do a story on the LGBT cycling community. He can be reached at Rossco814 at
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