Edit: 12/2011:
We have an ongoing need for images to fill journalist requests as well-- if you are willing to have your image used by print/web media, please post it up with your full name so you can be properly credited. Ideally it should be posted in whatever qualifies as "high resolution" these days.
Your help is needed in helping us keep the new site from ending up looking like most sites using content management systems-- dry and barren of anything but printed text.
Let's get an image showing the joy and beauty of winter cycling on every page.
**edit: Great reminder from Gin that riding in snow is not an every-day feature of cold-season bicycle use, as we like to remind winter cycling newbies--so let's be careful not to only present snowy images**
I'm asking you to offer up whatever you are able in terms of winter cycling-related images-- anything from outdoor shots to pics snapped at Bike Winter events, workshops, or meetings.
Please post them to this thread. Doing so implies consent to use on the bikewinter.org site.
Don't worry about the quality, size or format-- to put them up we need them to be 600 pixels width or less, and under 1 MB-- but we can resize/modify.
Please note if and how you'd like to be credited-- if you're gray on the matter we'll assume you don't want to be credited.
Thanks for contributing!
PS: One of my all time favorites, CCC New Year's Day ride 1997:
Jane Mar-2006
Jane Mar-2006
CCM 12-2006
203 members
172 members
1 member
270 members
1 member