2012 Mascot and sticker design--We have a winner! (come to the 9/22 kickoff event and release party)

Hiya folks,

It's time to crank on the sticker design for the coming Bike Winter cycling season . . .  typically we start with a little open brainstorming, and see if we can get any new folks to come out of the woodwork and offer up drafting or design skills to make the ideas reality.


We're tentatively looking at September 22 for the kickoff meeting, which may be more workshop-oriented this year, for a target date to have them ready for distribution.


Lookee here for past stickers/mascots/slogans:



Go ahead and discuss away, but if you'd like to cut to the chase and design a sticker proposal, here are some considerations that will need to be taken into account:

1)These stickers eat up a sizable chunk of our hard-earned funds, and their main purpose is to be seen and read easily so that they can fulfill their function as advocacy tools- thus:

a) Proposed designs need to clearly, prominently, and legibly, at a glance, even in low light conditions, say Bike Winter 2012 (<b>not</b> <i>Chicago</i> Bike Winter! we have other cities that we like to support with these).
Bike Winter is two separate words.

b) Need to clearly, prominently, and legibly, at a glance, even in low light conditions, say bikewinter.org.

2) Size is 1.5"X 4.25".
Can be oriented horizontally or vertically-- see sticker gallery for examples

3) Should not violate copyrights or contain elements used without permission.

4) In keeping with tradition stickers may feature a 'new' mascot and a slogan that ideally would be a corny play on words, but this is not a requirement. In keeping with tradition designs/themes should also not resemble past years' stickers but present a new look for the coming season.

5) Proposals need to be submitted in final, production-ready form by Friday August 26 2011, either by posting to the sticker/mascot thread in thechainlink.org bikewinter group, or as an attachment to the bikewinter@hafd.org e-mail list. Please try to reduce your image file to under 500k in size before posting to the bikewinter list.

6) Submissions not meeting 1 through 3 above will not be included in the voting.
Voting will take place via SurveyMonkey and will be conducted under the supervision of the Bike Winter chairs.

7) The winner will be determined by a tally of votes on Friday September 2; by submitting a design the creator hands off ownership to the Bike Winter effort and its volunteers for use in promoting the Bike Winter effort; creators agree that they will assist promptly if their design is chosen in any minor changes needed to assure visibility, compatibility with the printer's requirements, etc., and/or authorize others to make said changes.

8) Designs submitted in the past may be resubmitted with necessary updates,  but must be submitted by the original artist

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Replies to This Discussion

I'm crying a little inside thinking about winter already.  Spending last winter in Costa Rica is going to make this winter a little bit harder, but I'll be out there!  Bike Winter Furever!  Can't wait to see the new stickers!
Also, what is the bleed on these?

There was talk of deadline extension... is this happening?

Judging from the website... All of the past stickers have had a bleed, i.e. the print area is a little bit larger than the actual sticker. That way, when the stickers are cut out (which they have to be, since they are printed on a larger sheet and then removed/trimmed from the sticker sheet) it gives the impression that they were printed all the way up to the edge of the sticker. My guess is any sticker has an implied bleed because you're removing the sticky part from the larger wax paper part? It depends on the printer.


I think Thunderball was asking for a bleed spec, which is generally an eighth-inch (.125") bleed area extension of the image on all sides, and then the sticker is trimmed from within this extra image.


Now if I only understood derailleur adjustment as well as I know print production...

Too bad Lucas would sue but I liked the Wampa/Yeti/Abominable Snowman theme.


Taken to it's logical conclusion:


Deleted the other one... this should be more in accordance with the rules. I'm submitting this as a candidate for voting. Depending on the limits of the graphics, I'd like to make the snow a tad more realistic. But that's a minor detail.


The poem is a play on the traditional "irish blessing". Just a cheeky bike winter version. My thinking is it's all stuff familiar to folks who already do bike winter. But it's secretly educational (i.e. totally non-preachy) to those who wonder if they could pull it off. It's all about learning how to keep warm... after that it's easy! Also, a reminder to keep that chain lubed up :)


neat--I like the idea of the snow capped sign.

Paul Halupka said:

Deleted the other one... this should be more in accordance with the rules. I'm submitting this as a candidate for voting. Depending on the limits of the graphics, I'd like to make the snow a tad more realistic. But that's a minor detail.


The poem is a play on the traditional "irish blessing". Just a cheeky bike winter version. My thinking is it's all stuff familiar to folks who already do bike winter. But it's secretly educational (i.e. totally non-preachy) to those who wonder if they could pull it off. It's all about learning how to keep warm... after that it's easy! Also, a reminder to keep that chain lubed up :)




iggi said:

That is something that I'd stick to my tool box (or my bike for that matter.)

h' said:

This was sent to me directly by Joe Soule (some sort of confusion w/ e-mail-- I think he may have sent to the Bike Winter list but is not a member, but I'm not sure . . .



haha nice!

h' said:

This was sent to me directly by Joe Soule (some sort of confusion w/ e-mail-- I think he may have sent to the Bike Winter list but is not a member, but I'm not sure . . .



that's what I have so far a rough sketch. Any suggestions for a better tagline. I did not draw it, it is made out of clip art that is in the public domain.


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