I sent this to the BW email list too--sorry for the doubling up.

Heya folks,

The recent temperature dip and Miguel's complaints about being cold in the bike seat remind me that Bike Fall is around the corner. Wind burned ears can lower the spirits of our fellow cyclists and knock them out of the saddle, preventing them from appreciating the beauty of Bike Winter.

We can stop the wind in its tracks with our traditional fall flurry of fleece. I and others (you?) will start off by making gaitors to give away at autumn events, including the 9/15 UnHappy Hour at Quenchers and the 9/22 Bike Winter Kick-off.

How can you help?
--Do you already have extra ear gators and balaclavas from years past? Bring them to the kick off to help with distribution.
--Do you have extra fleece? Save it up for TBA "no-sweatshops" or arrange to get it to me or Willow.
--Do you have sewing skills and a machine? Let me know so we can get production humming.
--Need a copy of a pattern and tips? I'll bring to the 9/15 and 9/22 events.
--Or, of course, just do your own thang!

If you already have your ears covered, consider helping with in-between event distribution.  I often carry an extra gaitor in my bag so that when I meet a cyclist in a store, at a mutual friend's house, etc, and talk turns to all year biking (who me? guide the conversation?) , I can give them a fleece goodie on the spot. I often hear back from them that it made a difference getting through their first season. Sometimes the people who come to events are the usual suspects (uh, us!) who don't always need so much support. Our job is to spot those faltering cyclists in the wild and help them out.

Oh yeah, the coffee seems to be kicking in ;-)

Don't let bike fall bring you down!


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Replies to This Discussion

Thanks, Willow! Want to 2nd your comment about having spares in our bags for the random encounters. That's how I give most of mine away.
I've got both cut and sewn fleece and a little bit of un-cut material left that I was planning on cutting into balacavas for colder weather. Jami offered to take the remainder of my non sewn fleece. And i'll continue to bring what I have to rides. My weekends are full until after thanksgiving and work is too busy for anything during the week right now as far as cutting parties goes.
I have plenty of finished work that needs unloading. I gave some away at the tweed ride on Saturday, but I have a lot more.

I'll try and stop by some thrift stores this weekend to see if I can find fleece blankets or fabric that we could reporpose.

Unfortunately, I am unable to host at the moment, but if I can make a cutting party, then I should be able to bring a sewing machine.

As for tageted events...perhaps we could do some morning commute giveaways? It might be fun to wake up early and hold up signs to encourage winter bikers...especially now when more people are riding since it isn't so bad and we could get more new winter riders.
Hey ladies and gents - Elizabeth is looking for some balachlavas for the the northwestern students. Who has some fleece goodies?
Hi -- thanks Julie for posting. Actually this call-out would be first for the NU staff bike commuters group that we've formed. ;-)

If we were to pick up some purple fleece, would someone be able to help put some gaiters/balaclavas together for us? OR give us the pattern and we can cut? (not sure if I'm capable of tackling the sewing aspect)

How much fleece is needed - yardage - for making a supply?

Thanks for keeping heads and necks warm!!!

Julie Hochstadter said:
Hey ladies and gents - Elizabeth is looking for some balachlavas for the the northwestern students. Who has some fleece goodies?

Katie and I are looking to sponsor/host a cutting/sewing party.  I will provide some fleece too since I haven't done it in the past.  Who is down for a shin dig on Friday of next week?  the 17th....

Great idea its really needed. I wont be around but you really only need a couple of folks (you hoated last year I remember). Do you have a sewing machine? Im happy to host in january sometime.



When in the event?  i might be able to help.  let me know!


Also, I have a big bag of fleece that I picked up from a freecycler enlisted by Kathy.  I'm not totally sure if it all is usable, but I'm ready to bring that to a cutting party.

Hiya fleecy people. . .


I have been working on a page on the BW site to help people make their own balaclavas and gaitors. Will you take a look and give feedback?  Also, please let me know who else needs to be included in the thanks section. http://bikewinter.org/fleece


Can anyone turn my gator pdf into an image file so people do not have to do a pdf download? I also have the original word doc. Or is this something easy I should be able to do with basic software? I tried to do a print screen and paste into Paint but the quality was poor.


Of course, I welcome anyone else submitting patterns.



I got a sewing machine and I have a bunch of completed gaitors and ear warmers, but I'm not very good at passing them out, so if someone wants to grab a batch who is better at passing them out let me know. I live in humbolt park and work downtown so either people would work for meeting up.


Also I picked up a little bit more of the "red paw print" fabric and will turn that into either gators or balacavas, which would people rather have?

That's great, Liz! Maybe we can distribute them at film fest on the 2nd? Also, CCM is coming up.

What is your last name and who else was at the brunch you and Shar hosted this fall? You all should be on the thanks list on the DIY page.

yea, it's kinda funny. we both keep taking them to rides and no one grabs them really at the meeting spot.. and then once the ride takes off we forget to pass them out to fellow riders on the street... lol

Gin said:

That's great, Liz! Maybe we can distribute them at film fest on the 2nd? Also, CCM is coming up.

What is your last name and who else was at the brunch you and Shar hosted this fall? You all should be on the thanks list on the DIY page.


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