Started by willow naeco. Last reply by Dean Bekken Apr 7, 2015.
Started by Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer!. Last reply by Jimmy Miller Oct 16, 2013.
Started by Matt. Last reply by h' Zerocats Jul 4, 2013.
Started by Matt. Last reply by Gort 12-mile Pinklegneep May 17, 2012.
Started by h' Zerocats. Last reply by h' Zerocats Jun 28, 2011.
Started by Brendan May 30, 2011.
Started by Matt. Last reply by Matt May 22, 2011.
Started by Matt. Last reply by Matt May 10, 2011.
Started by h' Zerocats. Last reply by Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! May 5, 2011.
Started by Josh. Last reply by Fat Tire Frank Apr 6, 2011.
Do you have a link to Alex's amp? Is it here in Bikesound?
I just bought the Shorai battery, yes. But you might recall that for my Christmas 2005 bike trailer (where I was the reindeer- remember that one?) you recommended I purchase two 18aH SLA batteries, which I still have. When you mentioned "your current SLA" I thought you were referring to those.
Thanks Howard. Once again, I am grateful to you for your advice. Once the ride got under way, I cranked the volume up almost as high as it would go. This drained the battery rather quickly, perhaps 45 minutes or so into the ride. I heard the music cutting in and out, so I disconnected power from the system to prevent the battery from fully depleting.
I had been playing "pre-show" music before the ride started at a moderate volume, so perhaps in total I got a total of 1.5 hours out of the battery.
This was not a mistake. I don't believe anyone on the list has tried a Shorai battery yet. I wanted to see what it was made of. Next time I will moderate the volume more. Perhaps at some point I will purchase an additional battery and run it in series (or parallel?) to get more time at a high volume.
When I arrived at a stopping point indoors, I reconnected the system and played music at a lower volume just to make sure everything was still working properly. It was. In fact, I played music at the lower volume for about 5-10 minutes without any cutting in/out, so perhaps I could have extended the party simply by reducing the volume?
For the record, I used the 12v/18aH battery for this ride. It was nice and lightweight as advertised. I also purchased one of their chargers. So far I am pleased with it. The battery probably takes more than 12 hours to fully charge.
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