Started by willow naeco. Last reply by Dean Bekken Apr 7, 2015.
Started by Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer!. Last reply by Jimmy Miller Oct 16, 2013.
Started by Matt. Last reply by h' Zerocats Jul 4, 2013.
Started by Matt. Last reply by Gort 12-mile Pinklegneep May 17, 2012.
Started by h' Zerocats. Last reply by h' Zerocats Jun 28, 2011.
Started by Brendan May 30, 2011.
Started by Matt. Last reply by Matt May 22, 2011.
Started by Matt. Last reply by Matt May 10, 2011.
Started by h' Zerocats. Last reply by Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! May 5, 2011.
Started by Josh. Last reply by Fat Tire Frank Apr 6, 2011.
Battery tech is incredibly slow and steady in its progress. There are periodic announcements of some huge gains in density, discharge, or charging time but not all three which are pretty much the prerequisites for some great leap in actual consumer use.
As for their utility in boombikes, if you really need more power than some sealed lead-acid can put out you're also going to wind up needing a housing that'll weigh something massive in order to make it sound worth doing at which point you've already signed on to pulling some serious weight.
Will this technology come to fruition while any of us are still pulling systems? If it does, will we ever see a version of it that is light, small and inexpensive enough for practical use by us, or those who might come after us? I don't have the answers, but this does give us reason to believe that the future of Bike Sound is ... light ...
Matt, batteries of differing voltages and differing capacities may be used without trouble in series so long as one stops as soon as the lowest capacity battery is discharged.
In parallel batteries of differing capacities can be used together so long as they are all of the same voltage and of an appropriate chemistry. Don't parallel connect batteries types that exhibit a voltage drop at the end of the charge curve such as nimh or nicad.
And it's not just the faceplate voltage, but the actual state of charge which should match. ie, don't connect a fully charged 12 volt battery to a significantly discharged one or you might get fireworks.
Once slight downside of parallel connected batteries is that if one goes bad it will likely destroy all the connected batteries. Thus it is usually recommended to use batteries of a similar age or at least not connect a very old battery on its last legs to several fairly new ones.
Finally some lithium batteries contain integrated electronic BMS units. The BMS must be designed for parallel connections or you may have trouble such as one or more BMS's going up in smoke when approaching full charge or full discharge.
They sounded great! Since I was standing near Todd prior to the ride, I was wondering if that was you. :)
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