First Offering:
Bikers for Barkers Senior Support - to assist local orgs that help seniors keep and care for their pets.

If a senior gets hospitalized, or has trouble caring for their pets, they risk losing them to the pound and euthenasia.

Some organizations work to support seniors by sending volunteers to do home visits:

Here is how Touched by an Animal describes the work:
"We go into the homes of the elderly to walk their dogs, clean their cats' litter boxes or change a bird cage, and we become a crucial part of their social networks," says Sister Marijon. "These animals are like a lifeline for these people."

Please write me if you'd like to be part of the Bikers for Barkers Senior Support program and be called up when pet-care support is needed in a neighborhood near you.

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Shelter fundraiser for long distance bikers:
there is also Blessed Bonds


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