Idea 1: ride to events like Strutts for Mutts fundraiser for Evanston Animal Shelter in May. BUT, there is a registration fee/donation.

Idea 2: go through volunteer orientation together at a local rescue like PAWS (there are many rescues in various neighborhoods). Then we could ride there together and walk dogs for an hour or two, then maybe go for a coffee afterward.

Idea 3: bike with our own dogs in a doggie parade to a dogpark.

More ideas needed! And what neighorhoods are best for the most people?

Views: 43

Replies to This Discussion

I just want to ride our bikes with our dogs. I do enough volunteer work elsewhere.
Based on all your volunteer work, do you have any advice for others who may be considering volunteering with an animal rescue?

So far, you may be the only one already fully set up for riding with your dog. Should we plan a support workshop for others who want to learn how to ride with dogs or create/get the right vehicle or system?

For those trying to set something up, should we start a discussion thread that is an online support for those experimenting and buying equipment?


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