Repost from ArfHouse email blast - 10 day foster homes needed for small dogs

All - it's a repost from an email blast. I'm waiting on landlord approval to take another foster pup myself!!

Hi Eveybody,

Thanks to all of you who have offered to help with fostering the dogs we sent out a request for a couple days ago. I'm sure many of you have seen on the news where these dogs came from. They were all taken from a home in Chicago where they were being bred, sold and kept in deplorable conditions. The person responsible is facing cruelty charges for every one of the animals taken, which amounts to 67. As it turns out, it appears that Animal Care & Control, who seized the animals, has transferred them all to three shelters so they will be adopted out from them and they no longer require our assistance with taking any of them. As most of you know we are always looking for 10 day foster homes, primarily for small dogs, and if any of you could help with dogs we typically pull from Animal Care & Control, we are very much in need of foster homes for these animals. The commitment is the same as the previous request - 10 days (of course, with the option to foster unt il the animal gets adopted). Every dog we pull out of Animal Care & Control is in danger of being euthanized so you are truly helping rescue an animal from that fate by fostering one.

Thank you again to everybody who stepped up to offer assistance, and also to those of you who forwarded it to co-workers, friends and family. We very much appreciate that.


Contact: me or Linda directly: Linda Widmer []

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