Feel free to introduce yourself here with pictures of you and/or your pet/s. If you don't/can't have a pet - you can get your pet fix with us by volunteering with us at a pet shelter!

I'm Rachel and we have Lulu the Bloodhound and Agnes the Border Collie/Flat-Coated Retriever mix, both from rescues. We live in Edgewater. We had a trailer built to accomodate both dogs, but so far nervous Agnes jumps out of it every time. We need a better harness rig. Lulu is calm and patient. It's a work-in-progress.

Views: 78

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Here's our namesake:

this is my boy presley- he loves the snow and he is the king
Carolyn Hoerdemann said:

Heres is My Buddy THUNDER DOG
Blackie and I

Rami volunteers at a Senior Home through Treehouse. Look who he met tonight!

2 of 2 furry friends at my house (other is above). The one above will hopefully be biking with me this summer.

My dogs love cats. When I say Where's kitty cat? They start crying. This is very different than when I say Where's squirrel - then they start hunting.


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