We have Lulu the Bloodhound and Agnes the Border Collie/Flat-Coated Retriever mix. We had a trailer built by Howard Kaplan to accomodate both dogs, but so far nervous Agnes jumps out of it every time. Lulu is calm and patient. It has 4 wooden walls, with the back wall flipping down to form a ramp. We need a better harness rig. It's a work-in-progress.

We also have a very large double baby jogger that I found in the alley trash. We used it to take Lulu home from her spay surgery (we are car-free). She sat in it very nicely.

Agnes is a candidate for learning to ride next to a bike - has anyone ever used those bars that hold your dog away from your bike? Without it, she would surely dart if she saw a squirrel.

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i want to take my cat, any thoughts?

Hi, Julie and all. I finally took photos of my trailer - here is one but the rest are on My Photos in my profile, and also in the recent public photos on Chainlink's main page. Julie, it could probably transport 3 cat carriers, it's so big! It was built for 150 pounds of dog. Let's watch for nice weather to test-ride your cat to his pet-therapy gigs!
i taught my dog how to jog along by always keeping her on my right side and once she learned that , it was very easy. having more than one dog complicates things. it is best to work with one dog at a time. the parks like humboldt or portage are a gret place to do this.
Roofis, next time you're out with your dog, can you try to get a picture of the co-riding action? Did she ever run the wrong way?
im bringing my trailer this friday to crit mass and im gonna bring my puppies if im not on my crazy tandom


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