Mine is a Lady's Rudge - me on the right %-{)> Send in your photos!!!!

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Holy Smokes! And welcome aboard!!!!

Thomas Collette said:
1979 Raleigh Record Ace
1970 Sprite 27
1970's Super Course II Carlton
1950's Woman's Sport
1954 Vulcan
1952 Indian Scout by Phillips
1939 Selfridge Woman's rod pull brake
1970 Royal Scot rod pull brake
1951 Woman's Norman rod pull
1960 Hercules camelback
1977 Triumph
1949 "The" Oxford

A few frame and a lot of Sturmey-Archer parts.

Girl friend has a
Raleigh Sprite and a Phillips
Oh, I forgot to add the late 1960's Coventry Eagle Falcon, Hercules AMF, Raleigh Grand Prix, and a few Woman's Raleigh Sport to the list.
And I have a few rebadged Raleighs
A Sherwood Flyer for Western Auto Stores
Woman's Royal that I just sold to a student

Photos are at, just look down the screen for the bicycles.

da' Square Wheelman (aka garth) said:
Holy Smokes! And welcome aboard!!!!

Thomas Collette said:
1979 Raleigh Record Ace
1970 Sprite 27
1970's Super Course II Carlton
1950's Woman's Sport
1954 Vulcan
1952 Indian Scout by Phillips
1939 Selfridge Woman's rod pull brake
1970 Royal Scot rod pull brake
1951 Woman's Norman rod pull
1960 Hercules camelback
1977 Triumph
1949 "The" Oxford

A few frame and a lot of Sturmey-Archer parts.

Girl friend has a
Raleigh Sprite and a Phillips
Thomas, I happen to catch your reference to a Coventry Eagle bicycle in your collection. I thought it might interest you that I own a 1954 Coventry Eagle Examplar touring bike. My father gave it to me when I turned 14. I am in the process of restoring it. It's a beautiful bike with very ornate frame lugs. It has a Chater Lea crank set and a 5-speed Cyclo Benelux rear derailler. One item I'm having difficulty with is finding a source for a replica set of decals. I wondered if you had any suggestions?

Thomas Collette said:
Oh, I forgot to add the late 1960's Coventry Eagle Falcon, Hercules AMF, Raleigh Grand Prix, and a few Woman's Raleigh Sport to the list.
And I have a few rebadged Raleighs
A Sherwood Flyer for Western Auto Stores
Woman's Royal that I just sold to a student

Photos are at, just look down the screen for the bicycles.

da' Square Wheelman (aka garth) said:
Holy Smokes! And welcome aboard!!!!

Thomas Collette said:
1979 Raleigh Record Ace
1970 Sprite 27
1970's Super Course II Carlton
1950's Woman's Sport
1954 Vulcan
1952 Indian Scout by Phillips
1939 Selfridge Woman's rod pull brake
1970 Royal Scot rod pull brake
1951 Woman's Norman rod pull
1960 Hercules camelback
1977 Triumph
1949 "The" Oxford

A few frame and a lot of Sturmey-Archer parts.

Girl friend has a
Raleigh Sprite and a Phillips
currently riding a late 60's robin hood in amazing condition! I also have a triumph that got caught in the snow last year that needs lots of love.
Fantastic! If you have any photos, feel free to post here! And welcome aboard!!!

jen said:
currently riding a late 60's robin hood in amazing condition! I also have a triumph that got caught in the snow last year that needs lots of love.
jen said:
currently riding a late 60's robin hood in amazing condition! I also have a triumph that got caught in the snow last year that needs lots of love.

Yes, post some pics. There are quite a few Robin Hood riders in this group, Jen. I just brought home a 1962-1965 Robin Hood Lenton Sports and I have a 1970 Lenton Sports I've had since new.
You lucky, lucky bastard! Smashing ride! Do check out Sheldon Brown's fantastic 3speed site (esp. linx all the way at the bottom of the page) if the Superb poses any mechanical mysteries!

Eddy Ulm said:

Eddy Ulm said:

I bought two 1969 Raleigh Superbe's at a garage sale today. Both have bodged cotter crank repairs that need to be sorted but aside from that... very clean. This is a great new hobby.
My British steed is both a Hercules and a Royal Scotsman...

It has a functional 3 spd now and soon to came are a rear brake, chain guard and paint...

Stylishly riding a 77" Raleigh sports and bringing a 70" Schwinn Collegiate 5spd back to life and coming down with the dreaded Bike Aquisition Syndrome bad.
Gasp!!!!! The rumoured 23" frame. Good find, Sam. Schwinn is pretty neat, too.

sam hubbell said:

Stylishly riding a 77" Raleigh sports and bringing a 70" Schwinn Collegiate 5spd back to life and coming down with the dreaded Bike Aquisition Syndrome bad.
My '72 Sports that I have been cleaning up...

My favorite color/colour and gotta love that shellacked cork. Nice Bike!!!

Bernard Joseph Hannigan said:
My '72 Sports that I have been cleaning up...


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