FYI,  I posted a Tweed Ride for Sun May 1, starting at the Red Lion English Pub, near the Rockwell Brown station.


Theme and route pending, but I have had a request for a circular route (I'll figure something out), and we will be picnicking again! Yay for warmer weather!


Here is the link...

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Will also have to put out a call for posters and spoke cards, though I might come up with something a bit more clever ;)

Jolly Good!

This is what I spend my Saturday nights doing - The graphic for the ride is done!


one week till tweed!

Snazzy bikes, dandy getups, a picnic, tree-lined paths, innumerable photo-ops, free handmade swag, and a gin & tonic toast to wed-LOCK ;)

Hope you can make it!

I'd like to know  few more details that weren't in the top ten list posted today.

Namely, why is this link busted?


What time are you meeting, good people? Will you accept my American steel steed?

Because the doofy organizer (me) changed the title. Duh..... Fixed!


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