I'm looking for someone who would be willing to walk me through overhauling the bottom bracket and headset on a 1972 Raleigh Sports. Possibly also installing a new shifting cable.

I'm pretty sure I don't have the tools needed for the the bottom bracket or headset.

The bike is partially disassembled at the moment, so hopefully someone could help me out at my place - near Montrose & Wolcott.

Willing to negotiate a fair exchange -- beer, $$, and a Abus wheel lock are items I could possibly offer.

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Nice skirt fender.
Let me know if you need anymore help!
Oooh, pretty bike.
Unfortunately not close enough to help. But that is a beautiful bike!

For people looking for a vintage style skirt guard, check out Morgan Imports out of Durham, NC. (Look towards the bottom of the page). I have purchased a couple and have been pleased with them.



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