Finally after a couple years of being without one I finally have not only the time but the bucks to get around to building another British tall bike which I am planning to ride the Manor and Meadow tour.  I am turning to the BBC to help me track down all the parts I need to get this happening.  I am willing to pay for stuff but I am obviously looking for cast offs, less than perfect and otherwise janky parts; I would actually prefer stuff that is a little worn and well weathered because it not only fits the look I want but I don;t feel as bad chopping it up.  If you have any of the following rattling around your parts bins let me know and tell me how much you would like for it because I really want to have a tall bike back for this summer.

I could use the following:

-1 frame, the larger the better step-through frame would be great as well if it was a larger one.  I only need the main triangle, it can have mangled seat or chain stays.

-1 fork, I am looking mostly for a Raleigh fork that has the round top crown on it.

-A set of peaked steel fenders.

-Chain guard.

-Three speed shifter, one of the older style ones.

-40 hole 26x 1 3/8 CR-18 rim.

-36 hole 26 x 1 3/8 CR-18 rim.

-40 hole 3 speed hub in good condition.

-Any kind of cool looking old saddle that is properly worn in.

-Clamp on roller, cable stop and guides for Sturmey cables.

-Crank set, I have one but would like spares as cottered cranks do not do the best on tall bikes.  I would also like to find ones that have an interesting design.


-Brake levers.


-'Motorcycle' style kick stand like the one in the picture of the old tall bike; a regualr kick stand does not cut it when you're two stories tall.

-Very tall quill stem.

-Anything else weird and old you think might make a good edition to my lamp-lighter.


Views: 327

Replies to This Discussion

THISmight be a good start.  $45 for a whole bike should get you most of the parts you need right there.

Well, Dug, I got the crank, fork, shifter, brakes, levers, and stand. Might even have a 40 hole hub but need to check to be sure. Yours for the taking.

James, I just sent an e-mail.  Thanks for the heads up!

Mike, You're in Elgin right?

Thank Ash.  She sent me the link but my garage is so full of project bikes right now that I'm not going to get even halfway through them by July.  No need to get greedy.   I might as well pass on the tweedy deals. 

Close, E. Dundee.

I think I see a Metra trip in my future if I don't find stuff local.

Mike Bullis said:

Close, E. Dundee.

Just give me a day or two heads up. Big Timber station, BTW.

notoriousDUG said:

I think I see a Metra trip in my future if I don't find stuff local.

Mike Bullis said:

Close, E. Dundee.


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