Finally got back around to working on my old Butler. Replaced the missing spoke on the front wheel, but no joy... it's too far gone into the potato-chip zone.

Anyone know where i might find a 32H EA-3 rim? Would really like to find a Dunlop, but anything would be great.

Also, any recommendations on tyres?

Thanks to all!

Views: 314

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Harris Cyclery - I bought a pair there last fall and have been very happy with them
Let me take a look in the garage, Mike. I can't promise a Dunlop but I gotta have a 32 hole EA-3 in that mess.
I looked and I do have a 32 hole EA-3 wheel and it is a Dunlop with a Raleigh hub. Not perfect, but not potato chipped either. Yours if you want it. Still have my cell?


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