May 30th 2010

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It's much calmer than Critical Mass, but as there are lots of newbies out, you still want to keep your eyes open. Even with 4 or more lanes of LSD, there will be people who will go slow in the left lane or "fly in formation" four of five abreast.

Weather is the biggest determinant of a good time. Usually it's a little cool and a little windy.

Although you're nominally supposed to enter only at Grant Park, in practice it's easy enough to jump on wherever's easiest for you.
"Although you're nominally supposed to enter only at Grant Park, in practice it's easy enough to jump on wherever's easiest for you."

My first foray in the event. I will be coming in from BERWYN with a panier full of rubber chickens.The packet said to check in at Jackson/Columbus. So there is no checkpoint Charlie, as long as we have our stinking badges numbers displayed?...And damn, it is an EARLY event eh? like 5am ish?
It'll be my first time too. Thanks for the tips on how to look like a seasoned LSDer!
Only enter at Grant Park . .. pshaw
I am going to be a Marshal on the Ride.


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