i'm looking for a LBS , preferably N-NW Chicago or NW suburbs, that has a good variety of "better" tyres in this size in stock. Something like Panaracer's Col de la Vie, Schwalbes, Michelins, etc.


i know about the Harris Cycles site, and they're very good, but i'd like to deal with someone directly without them having to special order.  Thanks!

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I had raised my eyebrows at this a bit until I read "better". Well played, sir. I got nuthin'.

I second this.  Does anyone know of a good shop that specializes in and stocks a lot of the stuff we vintage British riders are often in need of?  I don't know of any full-service shops that specifically cater to the 3-speed and English crowd and I'd like to know of where to go when I need something NOW -preferably on the North side.  Some "road tested" and "recycled" parts would be nice too when you are looking for that odd item.  Something like Yellow Jersey in Madison without the excessive crankiness.


I've been told to try Copenhagen Cyclery but every time I stop by it is closed.


Ah, there is always Amazon I guess :(

Yeah, i just broke down and did Amazon for a set of Col de la Vies. Price wasn't bad, but i wish could've found 'em locally without too much travelling around.... As a side note, those particular tyres aren't even listed on the Panasonic/Panaracer site.

Harris Cycles has a fairly good supply of 3sp stuff at reasonable prices, but i wish we had something local.

If anyone knows of a Chicago area shop with good 3sp stock, post up, please!


There are several shops that tolerate us nutters; but the best I've experienced is Boulevard BikesKevin Womac not only stocks our off-sized kit; he fully understands the fascination with our noble steel steeds!


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